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Importing a DAE to use with Smash Forge

NUD files can be created in Smash Forge from models in the DAE format. This allows for importing custom rigged models.

Supported DAE Formats

Forge will give an error message about unsupported formats if the DAE file can not be read. Only the triangles format with normalized indices is supported, so DAE files containing polylist will not work. These DAEs can be converted to a readable format by opening the DAE and exporting a new DAE using Noesis.

Reliable Conversion Workflows

  1. Export an FBX from another 3d modeling app (optional)
  2. Export an FBX from 3ds Max. Set the axis conversion to Z-up under Advanced Options.
  3. Open the FBX file in Noesis and export as DAE. Do not use -smooth norm 0.001. The smoothing step is no longer necessary.
  4. Open the DAE in Smash Forge and select appropriate import settings.

Other methods of generating a DAE file may work, but it is recommended to use Noesis to reliably generate DAE files in a readable format. DAEs from Blender will sometimes work in newer versions of Smash Forge.

For stage models with multiple UV channels, export the DAE directly from 3ds Max. Noesis will remove the extra UV channels. Stage models rarely require manual rigging, so skipping the Noesis step usually doesn't cause issues.

Import Options

Flip UVs

Vertically flips the texture coordinates (UVs).

Rotate 90 degrees

Rotates the imported model by 90 degrees along the X Axis.

Translate UVs vertically by -1

Shifts all of the UVs down by 1 tile.

Import Textures

Currently not functioning.

Ignore Vertex Colors (sets all to 127)

Sets all Vertex Colors on the model to 127, 127, 127, 127.

Divide vertex color values by 2

Divides the RGB values (not alpha) by 2 for all parts of the model with vertex colors. 3d modeling programs typically use 255 as white; Smash 4 uses 127 as white.

Smooth Normals

Averages the normals of the imported model. Not recommended.

Use Stage Material

Assigns a basic stage material to all models. The material flags will be set to A2001001.


Scales the imported model using this value as a multiplier.

Open VBN

Models may have the incorrect orientation when importing. This can usually be fixed by opening the appropriate VBN file from the import menu before clicking "import." This may also fix issues with models being invisible in Forge after opening the exported NUD.

Vert Type

The precision of the vertex normals, tangents, and bitangents. Tangents and bitangents are always recalculated on import. To have a model save tangents/bitangents, you need to use a vert type that supports tangents/bitangents.

Vert Type Size per vert
No Normals 4 bytes
Normals (Float) 20 bytes
Normals, Tan, Bi-Tan (Float) 52 bytes
Normals (Half Float) 8 bytes
Normals, Tan, Bi-Tan (Half Float) 24 bytes

Recommended: Normals, Tan, Bi-Tan (Half Float)

Weight Type

The precision of the vertex bone weights.

Weight Type Size per vert
None 0 bytes
Float 32 bytes
Half Float 16 bytes
Byte 8 bytes

Recommended: Byte