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idna edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 4 revisions

Default output is to generate a html report and 3 csv files as follows:

Summary Report

The Summary report contains some high level information regarding the number of paths found, the number of enabled non-admin users that are exposed to an attack path, and the number of paths that have been seen before based on the entries in the GoodHound local database.

The end goal is to reduce the number of exposed users, by taking a two pronged approach.
Busiest paths will highlight attack paths that are exposed to the greatest number of users.
Weakest links will highlight links that might help to close down the number of paths available.

Busiest Paths Report

The output shows a total number of unique users that have a path to a HighValue target.
It then breaks this down to individual paths, ordered by the risk score.
Each path is then displayed showing the starting group, the number of non-admin users within that path, the number of hops, the risk score, a text version of the path and also a Cypher query. This cypher query can be directly copied into the Raw Query bar in Bloodhound for a visual representation of the attack path.

Weakest Links Report

The weakest links report is a way to potentially find links of attack paths that repeatedly show up in the dataset. For each weak link shown the report will also tell you how many of the total attack paths that was seen in.
NOTE: In order to use the Bloodhound query that is created with the weakest link report you will need the APOC library neo4j plugin installed. To do this copy the APOC jar file from the $NEO4J_HOME/labs directory to the $NEO4J_HOME/plugins directory and restart Neo4j.