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Exploit Cost

Andi Morris edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 1 revision

Exploit Cost is an estimation of how noisy or complex a particular attack path might be. (Kudos to the ACLPWN project for this idea.)
For example, if an attacker has compromised userA and userA is a member of groupB then that step in the attack path doesn't require any further exploitation or real opsec considerations.
Conversely if an attacker has compromised a user's workstation which also has an admin user session on it, to exploit this the attacker would (possibly) need to elevate permissions on the workstation and run something like Mimikatz to extract credentials from memory. This would require OPSEC considerations around monitoring of LSASS processes and also potentially require endpoint protectionbypasses. All of which make the exploitation that little bit more difficult.

These scores have been assigned based upon my personal best judgement. They are not set in stone and discussions around the scoring are welcome and will only help to improve this.
The scores assigned to each exploit are:

Relationship Target Node Type OPSEC Considerations Possible Protections to Bypass Possible Privesc Required Cost
Memberof Group No No No 0
HasSession Any Yes Yes Yes 3
CanRDP Any No No No 0
Contains Any No No No 0
GPLink Any No No No 0
AdminTo Any Yes No No 1
ForceChangePassword Any Yes No No 1
AllowedToDelegate Any Yes No No 1
AllowedToAct Any Yes No No 1
AddAllowedToAct Any Yes No No 1
ReadLapsPassword Any Yes No No 1
ReadGMSAPassword Any Yes No No 1
HasSidHistory Any Yes No No 1
CanPSRemote Any Yes No No 1
ExecuteDcom Any Yes No No 1
SqlAdmin Any Yes No No 1
AllExtendedRights Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
AddMember Group Yes No No 1
AddSelf Group Yes No No 1
GenericAll Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
WriteDACL Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
WriteOwner Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
Owns Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
GenericWrite Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
AllExtendedRights Domain Yes Yes No 2
GenericAll Domain Yes Yes No 2
WriteDACL Domain Yes Yes No 2
WriteOwner Domain Yes Yes No 2
Owns Domain Yes Yes No 2
GenericAll GPO/OU Yes No No 1
WriteDACL GPO/OU Yes No No 1
WriteOwner GPO/OU Yes No No 1
Owns GPO/OU Yes No No 1
WriteSPN User Yes No No 1
AddKeyCredentialLink Any Yes Yes No 2
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