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7. Glossary

Abdurrahman Abul-Basher edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 18 revisions
Name Description
Acquisition functions These are heuristics functions employed to evaluate the usefulness of points (or examples) for achieving the objective function.
A model hyperparameter Configuration values that are external to a model and whose values cannot be (or are not) estimated from data.
An ensemble of g members A group of g number of learning algorithms.
An acquisition model A training model that depends on acquisition functions.
EC number Enzyme Commission number.
Embedding A low-dimensional latent continuous feature extracted from each node of a network. Read our paper for more details.
Features Individual independent variables that act as input in a system. While making predictions, models use these features.
Heterogeneous information network A multi-layer network where nodes within a layer manifest inter-interactions and nodes between layers manifest betweenness interactions. Read our paper for more details.
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information.
PGDBs Pathway/Genome Databases.
Sub-sampling A method used to reduce the data size by selecting a subset of the original data based on a specific acquisition function.

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