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Keras version of Openpose with optimized model structure and C++ postprocess for acceleration. Trained and tested using CMU handpose dataset.

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Hand Pose Estimation

This repo contains 2 projects, keras version of Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields (openpose) and tensorflow version of Convolutional Pose Machines (cpm).

I accelerated the test inference of the model in anatolix/keras_Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation by putting the gaussian filtering operation in the model and also built c++ library for post processing, as shown in ildoonet/tf-pose-estimation.

Method Overview

This architecture has 2 branches, the first branch predicts confidence maps, the second branch predicts PAFs. Confidence maps captures the location of each keypoint and PAFs associate the keypoints. openpose_arch


You can run the model on 3 modes, image, video and webcam.

streamax@streamax:~/handpose-streamax/openpose$ python

I just made several lines of modifications to the get_testing_model code to shorten the post-processing time, the basic idea is to run the gaussian filtering operation on GPU.

### resize the input image
img_resized = Lambda(lambda image: tf.image.resize_bicubic(image, (boxsize,boxsize), align_corners=True))(img_input)

... some code in between ...

### resize methods: better result, bilinear is faster(<0.05s) but bicubic is smoother(>0.06s)
heat_up = Lambda(lambda image: tf.image.resize_bicubic(image, (height,width), align_corners=True, name='upsample_heatmat'))(stageT_branch2_out)
paf_up = Lambda(lambda image: tf.image.resize_bicubic(image,  (height,width), align_corners=True, name='upsample_pafmat'))(stageT_branch1_out)

### gaussian blur: 
kern2d = get_kern2d(25,3.0,np_branch2)
gaussian_heat = Lambda(lambda image: tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(image, kern2d, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME'))(heat_up)

### find peaks:
max_pooled_heat = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(1,1), padding='same', data_format='channels_last')(gaussian_heat)
choose_mat = Lambda(lambda blur: tf.equal(blur, max_pooled_heat))(gaussian_heat)
zeros_heat = Lambda(lambda zeros: tf.zeros_like(zeros))(gaussian_heat)
peaks_heat = Lambda(lambda blur: tf.where(choose_mat, blur, zeros_heat))(gaussian_heat)

Then we can use c++ library pafprocess to fast associate the peaks in heatmaps. We need the following 5 files, then swig can generate the automatically.

  • pafprocess.h
  • pafprocess.cpp
  • pafprocess.i
  • numpy.i

the only changes I made are:

// pafprocess.h
const int NUM_PART = 21;
const int COCOPAIRS_SIZE = 20;
    {0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}, {8, 9}, {10, 11},{12, 13}, {14, 15}, {16, 17}, {18, 19}, 
    {20, 21}, {22, 23}, {24, 25}, {26, 27}, {28, 29}, {30, 31}, {32, 33}, {34, 35}, {36, 37}, {38,39}
    {0,1}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {3,4}, {0,5}, {5,6}, {6,7}, {7,8}, {0,9}, {9,10}, {10,11}, {11,12},
    {0,13}, {13,14}, {14,15}, {15,16}, {0,17}, {17,18}, {18,19}, {19,20}

// pafprocess.cpp
// change some numbers accordingly

Test speed on ski.jpg:

fast version:

+++ oriImg shape: (674, 712, 3)
[2018-08-23 19:25:27,512] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] --- predict --- : 0.3539
[2018-08-23 19:25:27,512] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] + get maps time : 0.3557
[2018-08-23 19:25:27,658] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] + associate time: 0.1456
[2018-08-23 19:25:27,676] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] = process time: 0.5197

original version:

+++ oriImg shape: (674, 712, 3)
[2018-08-23 19:26:06,095] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] --- predict --- : 0.0499
[2018-08-23 19:26:06,182] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] + get maps time : 0.1439
[2018-08-23 19:26:06,820] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] + get peaks time: 0.6380
[2018-08-23 19:26:07,173] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] + associate time: 0.3524
[2018-08-23 19:26:07,187] [KerasPose-image] [INFO] = process time: 1.1493


generate h5 file as training dataset

Get the dataset from cmu panoptic dataset. We can generate the h5 file using images and annotation data usually in json file, see

The json should at least contain

  1. "img_paths" - the corresponding image path
  2. "joint_self" - joints and their locations
  3. 'objpos' - hand center
  4. 'scale_provided' - the ratio of hand width to boxsize 368, used in data augmentation

json example:

[{"img_paths": "img_crop/00000000.jpg", "joint_self": [[[111.27, 160.291, 1], [121.745, 150.27, 1], [137.074, 134.816, 1], [148.621, 120.758, 1], [159.89, 110.891, 1], [134.573, 107.807, 1], [143.483, 84.657, 1], [151.064, 69.899, 1], [158.337, 56.815, 1], [126.952, 105.056, 1], [136.035, 79.369, 1], [141.803, 63.323, 1], [147.283, 48.194, 1], [119.158, 106.455, 1], [127.575, 82.715, 1], [133.22, 68.874, 1], [138.842, 55.602, 1], [110.127, 111.249, 1], [113.387, 92.267, 1], [115.21, 81.667, 1], [117.584, 71.46, 1]]], "img_height": 246, "scale_provided": [0.56], "img_width": 247, "objpos": [[123.953, 123.594]]},......]

Refer to make_dataset.ipynb to see how json annotation file is generated.

set the path to save the trained weights and training logs

just change the folder name experiment_name in, every file generated will be stored in this folder.

change hyperparameters to tune the model...

batch_size = 5
base_lr = 2e-5
momentum = 0.9
weight_decay = 5e-4
gamma = 0.333
stepsize = 121746 * 17  # in original code each epoch is 121746 and step change is on 17th epoch
max_iter = 100

after 50 training epoches, test the model on testing set: openpose_result

This is forked from timctho/convolutional-pose-machines-tensorflow. I used this model to detcet the keypoints of hands. cpm is a simplified version of openpose so this method is faster than openpose; however, it can only detect one hand at a time.

Method Overview

One branch, detects the keypoints of one object. cpm_arch


download weights cpm_hand.pkl


other methods to try: Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation


Keras version of Openpose with optimized model structure and C++ postprocess for acceleration. Trained and tested using CMU handpose dataset.







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