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Releases: wri/wri-terramatch-website

Outstanding Oak 2024-09-20

20 Sep 19:03
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Outstanding Oak


TM-778 Error searching for site reports by site name

TM-1225 Close button is unresponsive on the polygon attribute edit view

TM-1264 Can't update change request status to "Approved" on project reports

TM-1267 Comment duplication when updating the status in the change request


TM-437 Adding Survival Rate into Trees Restored Numbers - Admin Side

TM-578 As a Project Developer I want to see emails from TerraMatch translated into my preferred language

TM-1195 Repairing Accent Issue on .xlsx Export

TM-1229 Generate email notifications for project managers

TM-1237 Image Gallery Enhancement

TM-1238 New Image Profile (Attribute Editor)

TM-1253 Refactor search in User

TM-1254 Refactor search in Organisation

TM-1255 Refactor search in ProjectPitch

TM-1256 Refactor search in Application

TM-1257 Refactor search in Project, Site and Nursery

TM-1283 Add New Polygon Validation + Outputs for Expected Area for Site and Polygon Data in Admin View

TM-1284 Enable Admins to "Remind" PDs if a Report is Still in "due", "started", or "needs more information"

TM-1290 Accept multiple sites in voronoi endpoint

Nimble Neem 2024.09.05

05 Sep 21:18
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Nimble Neem


TM-592 As an existing user when I am invited as a monitoring partner, I should be directed to log in

TM-1213 Different workday totals displayed admin & PD views - PPC site report

TM-1216 Sign in & password indicator errors

TM-1225 Close button is unresponsive on the polygon attribute edit view

TM-1227 Admins Are Unable to Manually Assign New Users to Organizations.

TM-1288 Project Pitch edit "Save" button unresponsive


TM-1190 Add "Organization" filter option to the project report, site report, and nursery report tabs

TM-1195 Repairing Accent Issue on .xlsx Export

TM-1198 As an Admin or PD I want to be able to bulk delete polygons

TM-1201 Remove geometry from exports of PPC site establishment data

TM-1210 Modify voronoi script to ensure there's no overlap when buffering center points

TM-1211 Add Hectares Under Restoration Progress Metrics from Approved Polygon Sums into Project and Sum Progress Headers (Admin and PD)

TM-1217 Add "back to site" and "back to nursery" button on site/nursery reports

TM-1218 Add due date on report pages (Admin side)

TM-1226 Show yellow error icon if attribute data is incomplete when approving/running polygon validation checks

TM-1228 Update copy on site establishment: polygon creation banner

TM-1235 Add the Polygon Check and Status columns to both the APPROVED and SUBMIT polygon modals

TM-1237 Image Gallery Enhancement

TM-1238 New Image Profile (Attribute Editor)

TM-1263 Update "high-level metrics" and report pages to exclude data under "no" conditionals

TM-1286 Remove est_area validation for Voronoi Algorithm and add it to error handling message

Magnanimous Mahogany 2024.08.22

22 Aug 21:18
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Magnanimous Mahogany


TM-1159 Admin feedback copied from "More info requested" to "approved"

TM-1171 Exports not working from index view for Project Manager role

TM-1200 Images Larger Than 5MB Not Uploading

TM-1204 Unable to create new organizations

TM-1205 PD users stuck on organization approval stage (Staging)

TM-1206 Recently registered users are unable to apply to existing organizations

TM-1220 Report Reversion to 'Nothing to Report' After Admin Approval

TM-1230 Admin/PD Site Map: Allow user to delete a polygon once (alongside all previous versions)

TM-1231 Admin/ PD Site Maps: When drawing a polygon, do not allow the polygon tooltip to activate

TM-1234 See complete polygon version name in version dropdown and in the input

TM-1251 Stuck in organization approval stage

TM-1252 Polygons not displaying on site profiles (PD and Admin)

TM-1260 Polygon upload modal error message + auto-close

TM-1261 Unable to create new polygon versions on PD


TM-1072 Add logic to create backdated reports for new sites + nurseries submitted by PD

TM-1103 Improve roles and permissions

TM-1106 Improve System for scheduling repeated tasks

TM-1134 Add functionality to search for users by email

TM-1155 Update how workdays are calculated on PD side

TM-1157 TF Project Reports - some answers showing as N/A

TM-1161 Site Profile: add "edit" button to polygon popup to both Admin and PD Views

TM-1163 Investigate report recovery requests

TM-1170 Bulk-Select option when submitting/approving polygons on TM

TM-1172 Project manager role - export only relevant frameworks

TM-1174 Add Error Messaging within the Polygon Card layout in Admin and PD Views

TM-1176 Retain original polygon name when new versions are created

TM-1177 Add in Filtering By Polygon Status in Site Index View

TM-1182 Create a new polygon version when Admins make polygon or attribute edits

TM-1185 Automatically fix small edge overlaps between polygons

TM-1186 Allow admins to delete their comments

TM-1189 When creating a new (polygon) version, automatically set as active

TM-1203 Update format of "seedings" column in PPC site report exports

TM-1232 Admin/PD Site Maps: When clicking "Edit Polygon", close the tooltip

TM-1233 PD Site Profile: Transfer the "Submit for Review" to the "Submit Polygons" button

Lauable Loquat 2024.08.09

09 Aug 18:59
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Laudable Loquat


TM-778 Error searching for site reports by site name

TM-1149 Admin and Site: Change text to "Draw Polygon on Map"

TM-1152 TF project report - successes answer showing for challenges question, PD side

TM-1178 Special character issue on Trees Planted attribute field

TM-1179 Polygon color does not update when shifting back from "Approved"

TM-1180 Unable to create new polygon versions on both Admin and PD

TM-1181 Docker compose is not found on Github Actions run

TM-1183 Issue with editing polygon versions on Admin

TM-1191 "Save" button on organization profile unresponsive

TM-1192 Unable to Approve new sites as an Admin

TM-1193 Site establishment map component issues

TM-1194 Unable to join existing organizations as a new user

TM-1196 "Application error: a client-side exception has occurred" happening in staging when clicking around the PD view


TM-1042 Ensure Project + Site Landing Pages Have All Fields Asked In Custom forms

TM-1104 Upload Project Polygons in Project Establishment/Application (Project Pitch) Form

TM-1111 Add Error Messaging to Polygon (Add Data) Upload module

TM-1130 Upload Replacement Polygons at the Polygon Level (Site and Admin Views)

TM-1136 Upload Replacement Polygons at the Site Level

TM-1143 Add Polygon Validation Outputs for Overlapping Polygons in Admin View

TM-1144 Add Polygon Validation Outputs for Missing Schema Data in Admin View

TM-1146 Display Pitch polygons in Profile

TM-1148 Refactor Modal Provider to Support Multiple Simultaneous Modals

TM-1156 Add Polygon Validation Outputs for Expected Area in Admin View

Kind Kapok 2024.07.25

25 Jul 20:30
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Kind Kapok


TM-1065 Enable Polygon Status Diagram refresh in PD View when Submitting a Polygon

TM-1098 Total on workday table greater than disaggregated #s

TM-1102 Old Admin Login Link Doesn't Work --> Let's Redirect it to new login

TM-1109 Issue visualizing some polygons on site pages

TM-1110 Unable to upload zipped shapefiles to sites

TM-1120 PPC - Display Site ID on Admin View

TM-1121 Assess production errors when the comments are too long

TM-1122 Handle null cases for the "Submit Entity" endpoint that are resulting in errors

TM-1137 PD unable to access report & provide feedback - dependent on report status

TM-1139 Cannot see "Add Data button" even when I have been added as a monitoring partner

TM-1140 Monitoring partners table doesn't always show who is a monitoring partner

TM-1150 Unable to apply to orgs as a new user

TM-1151 Unable to upload files during project establishment


TM-599 Implement TerraFund Sign-Up

TM-617 Country level: Tree Restoration Goals

TM-621 Framework > Graphic: Jobs Created by Gender

TM-626 Framework > Graphic: Restoration Strategies Represented

TM-627 Framework > Graphic: Target Land Use Types Represented

TM-840 Issue: Allow project monitoring partners + admins to remove a project monitoring partner

TM-861 Admin UI: Polygon Versioning

TM-908 TerraMatch: Enable Project Management Admin Role

TM-969 Turn simple associated models into a BE concern

TM-973 Admin UI: Develop bulk polygon upload mechanism and export polygon check results

TM-980 Site Profile (Monitoring Partners): Comment Polygon

TM-1074 High Level Metrics For TerraFund Landscapes Project and Site Reports Should Align with TerraFund Top Line Metrics

TM-1079 Display Project Polygons in Project Profile

TM-1087 Site Profile (Monitoring Partners): Implement Polygon Versioning

TM-1092 Enable Site Status Diagram refresh in PD View (when creating a polygon for an already-approved Site)

TM-1105 Refactor filtering content on framework_key

TM-1108 Make View on Admin Index Rows Easier

TM-1141 Align styles of the footer and navigation tabs between old and new pages


TM-953 Upload resized photos (TerraFund)

TM-1132 Pull translations from Transifex to TM

Jovial Jacaranda Hotfix 2024.07.12

12 Jul 18:27
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Jovial Jacaranda Hotfix 2024-07-12


TM-1116 UI issue - can't view, access reports beyond 1st page

Jovial Jacaranda Hotfix 2024.07.10

10 Jul 22:58
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Jovial Jacaranda Hotfix 2024-07-10


TM-1099 No way to update a site status from "awaiting approval' to "restoration in progresss"

TM-1100 New Project Report Fields Not Saving


TM-951 Status: add dependencies between Polygon and Site Status

Jovial Jacaranda Hotfix 2024.07.09

10 Jul 00:24
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Jovial Jacaranda Hotfix 2024-07-09


TM-1093 Sites in the restoration-in-progress state don't show as attached to projects.

TM-1095 Images showing placeholder image on live

TM-1096 PPC - display only "old calculation" workdays on PD side

TM-1097 Create Pills and Status Banners Associated with Restoration in Progress


TM-1094 Remove previous geojson from Gallery Page

Jovial Jacaranda 2024.07.09

09 Jul 21:25
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Jira Release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Jovial Jacaranda


TM-915 Add Users to Database when they are added as monitoring partner.

TM-918 Admin feedback text copied between entities

TM-937 Tree species data missing from PD view - PPC site reports

TM-984 HBF project & site creation - image multi-select issues

TM-985 Super Admin - HBF projects not findable in Admin panel

TM-987 Generate missed PPC reports for Q2

TM-988 Staging - Unable to Edit Entities as PD

TM-990 Site Status Flow Views - Small Screens

TM-991 'Expand View' button Copy Update

TM-994 Project Creation Flow - Org Approval Restriction

TM-995 Adding species in project establishment forms

TM-997 Application error on Project Establishment Form

TM-1010 PD view: "Add Data" button missing on map within site profile

TM-1012 Can't View Reports from index view

TM-1013 All Audit Logs Show the Same Views (Issue in Nurseries and Report Pages!)

TM-1014 Audit logs are not migrating over/visible in front end

TM-1015 Home as navigation item gets cut off at smaller screen sizes

TM-1016 Forms - Numerical Upper Limit

TM-1018 Transifex - Some strings not coming in

TM-1022 Polygon source is blank

TM-1025 New User log-in page error

TM-1030 Map: Polygon layer ends up on top of media popups layer

TM-1034 Infinite Load/Error on TM home page

TM-1050 Admin UI: Fix z-index for Polygon Status alert

TM-1053 Audit Logs: attachments don't appear in the log until the next record is inserted

TM-1054 Polygon Tooltip: center "Site" above polygon name (only in Project and Site Profile)

TM-1055 Check Polygons does not run after initial check

TM-1060 Approve Polygons (Design): fix icon size and font-size when fails exceed two lines

TM-1061 Submit Polygons (Design): fix font-size of polygon name

TM-1086 Bug: Do not allow polygons to be approved unless the polygon check has run and all but data completed and within expected area pass the check

TM-1089 A polygon validation row has been added without any description

TM-1091 Polygon checks/attribute table inaccessible in Firefox browser


TM-777 Install GeoServer in AWS Environment

TM-843 Admin UI: Polygon Approval Module

TM-846 Admin UI Geo

TM-847 Admin UI: Implement "Change Status" workflow for Polygons

TM-848 Admin UI: Upload polygons

TM-849 Admin UI: Create Polygon

TM-850 Admin UI: Polygon Functionality

TM-851 Admin UI: Run Polygon Check

TM-857 TM Backend: Design Comment Table and Attachment Architecture

TM-858 Audit Log: Implement new "Comment Feature" for Polygons

TM-863 Site and Project Gallery: View Images on Map and Cards

TM-865 Project Profile (5/5): 0-State Display

TM-866 Project Profile (2/5): Display All Polygons related to Project

TM-868 Project Profile (1/5): Enable Map Components

TM-869 Project Profile (3/5): Enable Card Functionality

TM-870 Project Profile (4/5): Show Polygon Feature tooltip

TM-871 Site Profile Non-Monitoring Partner (2/4): Display All Polygons related to the Site

TM-872 Site Profile Non-Monitoring Partner (4/4): 0-State Display

TM-873 Admin UI: Display geo-tagged images on map

TM-874 Site Profile Non-Monitoring Partner (1/4): Enable Map Components

TM-876 Site Profile Non-Monitoring Partner (3/4): Show Polygon Feature tooltip

TM-882 Bulk upload past reports with updated schema

TM-886 Implement disposal of geospatial files used during upload

TM-906 TM Frontend: Recreate Mapping instances across TerraMatch

TM-911 Add Total # of Seeds Planted into PPC High-Level Metrics

TM-920 Send points from GreenHouse and confirm endpoint in Postman

TM-923 TF Change Request: Change "Project Pipeline" to "Curated Insights"

TM-924 TF Dashboard: Remove centroids at (0,0) and show "Geospatial data under review"

TM-925 TF Dashboard: Polygon Centroid On:Click zooms to project polygon(s) extent if permissions allowed

TM-926 Project Profile: Replace Map Instance in the "Gallery" tab

TM-927 Site Profile: Replace Map Instance in the "Gallery" tab

TM-942 Site and Project Profile: Enable Audit Log

TM-951 Status: add dependencies between Polygon and Site Status

TM-952 Admin UI / PD Views: Implement Updated Change Request

TM-958 Admin View: Add Polygon Status to Site Index Admin View

TM-962 Review Point-to-Polygon (voronoi) Python execution

TM-964 Include Organizational UUID with Organizational Export in Admin Panel

TM-972 Admin View: Add totals at the bottom of the Site Index

TM-974 Install ogr2ogr and create directories used for upload files

TM-977 Project Profile and Site Profile (non-monitoring): View geo-tagged images on Map

TM-978 Site Profile (Monitoring Partners): Group 1 - Enable Map, Show/Edit/Upload Polygons

TM-979 Site Profile (Monitoring Partners): Group 2 - Individual Polygon Check

TM-989 Include Change Request Status in Project, Site, Nursery and Report Exports

TM-998 Remove deprecated GH polygon site post endpoint

TM-999 Test/Integrate Point endpoint from GH into TerraMatch

TM-1000 Missing Site and Project Name from Polygon Card

TM-1002 Site Profile (Monitoring Partners): Bulk Polygon Check

TM-1003 Site Profile (Monitoring Partners): Submit Polygons

TM-1017 Keep homepage iconography consistent

TM-1019 Anonymize Project Profile screenshot

TM-1020 Match name of geoJSON download file with polygon/site name

TM-1021 Audit Log (Project/Site View): Remove "Change Request"

TM-1024 TM Sign-in page issue

TM-1031 Integrate the GH notification endpoint

TM-1032 Admin : Approve Polygons Module

TM-1035 Hide design elements: Add Images and text above 'check polygons'

TM-1043 Design: Hide Version History in Admin UI

TM-1045 When creating a polygon, assign it status "DRAFT"

TM-1046 Site (non-monitoring map): Show "Check Polygon" in both ta...

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Incredible Iroko 2024.06.13

17 Jun 17:50
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JIRA release

Release notes - TerraMatch - Incredible Iroko


TM-955 Geotagged Images Not Uploading on TerraMatch (EDGE)

TM-959 Remove species from ASIC site report

TM-983 Unable to Access Projects or Sites on Admin Panel & PD side


TM-754 PPC site reports (PD side) - show trees and seeds totals

TM-911 Add Total # of Seeds Planted into PPC High-Level Metrics

TM-939 Generate PPC Reports for Q2, 2024

TM-940 Add ANR Reporting Fields to Site Reports and Update ANR Progress Metrics

TM-965 Remove length limit on `shared_drive_link` columns

TM-970 Remove hourly call to missing script.