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Sigfox Arduino Shield Demo
Working with Cytron Sigfox Arduino Shield

Working with Cytron Sigfox Arduino Shield

Cytron Sigfox Arduino Shield Setup

Controller: Maker UNO (Arduino UNO compatible)
IDE: Arduino IDE

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Arduino Pin Sigfox Shield Description
IOREF 5V 5V Power Source from Arduino
RESET RESET Reset MCU, Low Active
3V3 3V3 3V3 Power Source from Arduino
5V 5V 5V Power Source from Arduino
A0 NC Analog Pin-0
A1 NC Analog Pin-1
A2 A2 Analog Pin-2; Grove #2
A3 A3 Analog Pin-3; Grove #2
A4 I2C-SDA Analog Pin-4; Grove #1
A5 I2C-SCL Analog Pin-5; Grove #1
D13 NC Digital Pin-13
D12 NC Digital Pin-12
D11 NC Digital Pin-11
D10 NC Digital Pin-10
D9 Red LED User Programmable LED
D8 Green LED User Programmable LED
D7 Wakeup Wakeup Pin from deep sleep mode
D6 Button Push button, Trigger to low
D5 UART-RX UART Receiving Pin
D4 UART-TX UART Transmitting Pin
D3 INT2 Interrupt#2 for Accelerometer
D2 INT1 Interrupt#1 for Accelerometer
D1 NC Digital Pin-1
D0 NC Digital Pin-0

I2C Sensor Address

  • SM303AGR Accelerometer 0x32
  • SM303AGR Magnet 0x3C
  • BOSCH Temperature / Humidity / Pressure Sensor – BME280 0x76

How to install it:

Arduino Library: Sigfox Library



  1. Open the Arduino IDE, select Sketch -> Include Library -> Add.ZIP Library.
  2. Select the zip file you just download.
  3. Open the Arduino IDE, select Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage libraries....
  4. Search for Adafruit BME280 Library and Adafruit Unified Sensor
  5. Click Install to install the library.
  6. Restart the Arduino IDE.
  7. Examples can be opened in Arduino IDE from File -> Examples -> Unabiz-arduino->Cytron Sigfox BME280.

Setup SigFox Backend

Device Enrollment

  1. Go to Sigfox Activation Platform
  2. Compile and run the Cytron Sigfox BME280 example in your arduino + Shield
  3. Click Serial Monitor to see the serial output.
  4. Copy the SIGFOX ID = XXXXXXXX & PAC = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX information
  5. Register the device to your Sigfox Account.

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Setup ThingSpeak

  1. Register a free account in ThingSpeak
  2. We need to create 2 Channels:
    • 1st Channel for Sigfox backend to pipe encoded data
    • 2nd Channel for ThingSpeak to process and display decoded data.
  3. Create both channel with detail as per below:
    • Field1 : Temperature
    • Field2 : Pressure
    • Field3 : Humidity
  4. Once channel is created, copy both channel API key to be use later.

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Setup Sigfox Callback

  1. Go to Sigfox Backend
  2. DEVICE TYPE->LIST->right click on device and select EDIT
  3. Select CALLBACKS at the left side bar
  4. Select New on the top right
  5. Select Custom CallBack Please input the data as per below:
    • Channel: URL
    • HTTP Method: GET
    • Custom Payload:
temp::int:16:little-endian pres::uint:16:little-endian humi::uint:16:little-endian
  • URL Pattern:{customData#temp}&field2={customData#pres}&field3={customData#humi}

The api_key will need to be replace by your thingspeak channel Write API key.(Channel 1 Write API Key)

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Sigfox Messages

Since the Sigfox network can send a maximum of 140 messages per day, we'll optimize the readings and send data in compact binary format.

Data packing is important because the maximum size of a message you can send is 12 bytes. A float occupies 4 bytes, so we'll need to pack our readings into some smaller representation.

The float format is very wide (you can represent numbers as big as 3.402823e+38 (!) ) and we don't need the whole data space; we can then decide safe limits (based on where we are going to deploy the station) and restore the original representation in the backend.

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Decoding 12byte Sigfox Payload

  1. Go to MATLAB Analysis
  2. Click New
  3. Enter the following code:
% TODO - Replace the [] with channel ID to read data from: 
readChannelID = XXXXXX; 
% TODO - Enter the Read API Key between the '' below: 
readAPIKey = 'XXXXXXXX';  
% TODO - Replace the [] with channel ID to write data to: 
writeChannelID = XXXXXX; 
% TODO - Enter the Write API Key between the '' below: 
writeAPIKey = 'XXXXXXXXXX';  
%% Read Data %% 
data = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID, 'ReadKey', readAPIKey,'OutputFormat','table');  
analyzedData = data;  
%% Analyze Data %% 
INT16_t_MAX = 32767; 
UINT16_t_MAX = 65536; 
analyzedData.('Temperature') = data.('Temperature') / INT16_t_MAX * 120 ; 
analyzedData.('Pressure') = data.('Pressure') / UINT16_t_MAX * 200000 ; 
analyzedData.('Humidity') = data.('Humidity') / UINT16_t_MAX * 110 ; 
%% Write Data %% 
thingSpeakWrite(writeChannelID, analyzedData, 'WriteKey', writeAPIKey); 
%% Schedule action: React -> every 10 minutes
  1. Press SAVE
  2. Scroll down the Schedule Actions -> React
  3. Create a new React with setting below:
    • Condition Type : No Data Check
    • Test Frequency : Every 10 minutes
    • Condition : if channel have no been updated for 1 minutes
    • Action : MATLAB Analysis Code to Execute
    • Option : Run action each time conditon is met
  4. Save.

ThingSpeak Dashboard

Once you done all this, the data from the Arduino will be send over to Sigfox server and then forward to Thingspeak every 10 minute.

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