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⚡curl -L | bash:zap:
After cloning this repo, run install to automatically set up the development environment. Note that the install script is idempotent: it can safely be run multiple times.

I'm using Dotbot to manage my .files.

Install a Vim plugin

Plugins are managed with Pathogen.vim. You will have to create a new submodule in vim/bundle to add a plugin.

git submodule add PLUGIN_GIT_REPO vim/bundle/PLUGIN_NAME

Where PLUGIN_GIT_REPO is the url of the git repository of a plugin and PLUGIN_NAME must be the same as the one in the git repository url. EG. git submodule add vim/bundle/vim-pathogen

Remove a Vim plugin

Remove the git module in .gitmodules and remove the vim plugin directory

git rm vim/bundle/PLUGIN_NAME

Update git submodules

Vim plugins and Dotbot are managed using git submodules. To update submodules you can do the following.

git submodule update --remote