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Machine Setup Automation

Repository contains the automation scripts to setup the windows PC with the required software.


  • Winget1 (Can be found on Microsoft store as App Installer)

Admin previlages to run the scripts Run all the scripts in Administrator mode

Software Installation

Run the SoftwareInstallation.bat to install the following software.

Development Environment

  • Visual Studio 2022 (Community)
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git
  • GitHub Desktop
  • GitHub CLI
  • Docker Desktop
  • Postman
  • Microsoft Powershell
  • WinMerge
  • Ubuntu (WSL)


  • Microsoft Teams
  • Whatsapp
  • Zoom


  • Google Chrome


  • 7 Zip
  • Notepad ++
  • Oh My Posh (Terminal Customization)
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft Powertoys
  • Twillio Authy
  • VLC
  • Send to Kindle
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Gpg4Win

Installation of Choco Apps

Run InstallSoftwares.ps1 to setup few softwares using the Choco App installer

List of Choco Apps

  • fnm (Node Manager)


Enable the Hyper-V on the Windows using the HyperV.bat. Run it in Administrator mode

Terminal Customization

  1. Install the Fonts
    • Install the fonts from the Fonts folder
  2. Open the Terminal2 and set the Poweshell as the default profile in the settings
  3. Make necessary changes to Power shell profile, for the frequently used commands and processes
  4. Run the setup.bat to copy and configure the Terminal with Oh-My-Posh theme
  5. Run the InstallPackages.ps1 in the terminal to install the additional packages required by the powershell

Visual Studio Code Extensions and Settings

To be automated


  1. Install the WinGet from here

  2. Install the terminal from here, if not present by default