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Synchrnonize Ecommerce

TypeScript React Redux toolkit TailwindCSS

Project Description

The project was developed as a final project at the Integrify bootcamp. It offers core functionality for a typical E-commerce website, designed to serve as a base for selling fashion and jewelry products for Synchronize Recording Studio.

Project overview

This repository contains the frontend source code for an E-commerce sample application. The project includes the implementation of a RESTful API for managing users, products, orders, carts, categories, and reviews (in the future!).

NOTE: The backend repository can be found here

Link to deployed Frontend Web UI: Frontend

Link to deployed Backend Server: Backend

Table of Contents

  1. Technologies
  2. Getting Started
  3. User Interface
  4. Project Structure
  5. Data Flow


  • TypeScript: ^4.9.5
  • React: ^18.2.0
  • Node.js: v18.14.2
  • Git
  • Package Manager: Either npm or Yarn
    • npm: ^8.4.1
    • Yarn: ^1.22.10
  • TailwindCSS: ^3.4.1

Getting Started

  1. Open your terminal and clone the repository with the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd fs17-Frontend-project
  3. Install all the packages:

     npm install
     # or
  4. Start the application in your local machine:

     npm start
     # or
     yarn start

User Interface

1. Authentication

Mock Customer credentials:

Mock Admin credentials:

register login

2. Home Page


3. Catalog Page


4. Single Product Page


5. Cart Page

cartModal cart

6. Order Page

confirmOrder orderSuccess

7. Profile Page


8. Admin Dashboard

adminProduct adminOrder adminUser

9. Toasters


Project Structure

└── /src
    ├── App.css
    ├── App.tsx
    ├── index.css
    ├── index.tsx
    ├── react-app-env.d.ts
    ├── reportWebVitals.ts
    ├── setupTests.ts
    ├── asset
    |   ├── fonts
    |   └── imgs
    ├── components
    |   ├── layouts
    |   |    ├── Footer
    |   |    ├── Header
    |   |    └── index.tsx
    |   ├── reusable
    |   |    ├── ButtonComponent
    |   |    ├── CustomNavComponents
    |   |    ├── GoToTopComponent
    |   |    ├── IconComponent
    |   |    ├── LogoComponent
    |   |    ├── ModalComponent
    |   |    |    ├── AddingProductModalComponent.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── ModalComponent.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── UpdatingOrderModalComponent.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── UpdatingProductModalComponent.tsx
    |   |    |    └── UpdatingUserModalComponent.tsx
    |   |    ├── ProductCardComponent
    |   |    ├── ProfileComponent
    |   |    |    ├── OrderHistoryTable.tsx
    |   |    |    └── ProfileModal.tsx
    |   |    ├── SpinnerComponent
    |   |    └── TransitionEffect
    ├── constants
    |   ├── Route.ts
    |   └── Status.ts
    ├── data
    ├── helpers
    │   └── getImageData.ts
    ├── hooks
    │   └── useThemeSwitcher.ts
    ├── misc
    │   ├── authType.ts
    │   ├── cartType.ts
    │   ├── categoryType.ts
    │   ├── enum.ts
    │   ├── orderType.ts
    │   ├── productType.ts
    │   └── userType.ts
    ├── pages
    │   ├── AdminDashboard
    |   |    ├── AdminOnly
    |   |    |    ├── AdminProfile.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── AdminOrder.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── AdminProduct.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── AdminProfile.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── AdminReview.tsx
    |   |    |    └── AdminUser.tsx
    |   |    └── AdminDashboard.tsx
    │   ├── Auth
    |   |    ├── Login.tsx
    |   |    └── Register.tsx
    │   ├── Cart
    |   |    ├── CartModal
    |   |    |    ├── CartModal.tsx
    |   |    |    ├── CartModalItem.tsx
    |   |    |    └── CartModalSummary.tsx
    |   |    ├── Cart.tsx
    |   |    ├── CartItem.tsx
    |   |    ├── CartLeft.tsx
    |   |    ├── CartRight.tsx
    |   |    └── EmptyCart.tsx
    │   ├── Catalog
    │   ├── CustomerProfile
    │   ├── Home
    │   ├── Order
    │   └── Product
    ├── redux
    |   ├── features
    |   |    ├── auth
    |   |    |    ├── authReducer.test.ts
    |   |    |    ├── authService.ts
    |   |    |    └── authSlice.ts
    |   |    ├── cart
    |   |    |    ├── cartService.ts
    |   |    |    └── cartSlice.ts
    |   |    ├── category
    |   |    |    ├── categoryService.ts
    |   |    |    └── categorySlice.ts
    |   |    ├── order
    |   |    |    ├── orderService.ts
    |   |    |    └── orderSlice.ts
    |   |    ├── product
    |   |    |    ├── productService.ts
    |   |    |    └── productSlice.ts
    |   |    ├── slider
    |   |    |    └── sliderSlice.tsx
    |   |    └── user
    |   |    |    ├── userService.ts
    |   |    |    └── userSlice.ts
    │   └── utils
    |   |    ├── newAxiosConfig.ts
    |   |    ├── hook.ts
    |   |    └── store.ts
    ├── routes
    │   ├── PrivateRouteProps.tsx
    │   ├── ProtectedRoute.tsx
    │   └── Routes.tsx
    ├── shared
    │   └── authMSW.ts
    └── style
        └── toastify.css

Data Flow

1. Redux store logic and authentication policies:


2. Data flow:
