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Hartmut Bischoff edited this page Dec 20, 2020 · 6 revisions

The Match-Statement is supported by establishing a simple stack. Any vertex is able to initiate the match-stack.

Vertex.match where: where-statement, as: return-value
=> returns a OrientSupport::MatchStatement Object

MatchStatement Objects can connect edges ( via <<), are able to compile the stack and to execute the query.

Edges are bind to the stack via

Edge.connect where: , while:, max_depth:, as:

Subsequent Vertex.match-statements can be assigned via <<, too.

Lets start with a simple graph:

10 V2-vertices, with an attribute node: 1 .. 10 connected via E2-Edges to a V1-Vertex with an attribute item: 1

  V.create_class  :v1 
  V1.create_class :v2 
  E.create_class  :e1
  E1.create_class :e2
  E2.create_class :e3
  vertices =  (1..10).map{|y| V2.create node: y}  
  E2.create from: V1.create( item: 1  ), to: vertices  
#INFO->CREATE VERTEX v1 set item = 1
#INFO->CREATE EDGE e2 from #74:0 to [#82:0, #83:0, #84:0, #85:0, #86:0, #87:0, #88:0, #89:0, #82:1, #83:1] 

A Match-Query starts at a given Vertex-Class. The where-cause narrows the sample to certain records. In its simplest version this is returned:

> V2.match( where:{node: 8} ).compile
 => "match {class: v2, as: v2s, where: ( node = 8)} return  v2s"
>V2.match( where:{node: 8} ).execute(as: :flatten).to_human
 => ["<V2[89:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 8>"]

ét voila: The V2-record with attribute node: 8

Lets inspect the next layer.

The adjacent node is connected via :in. So

> v = V2.match( where:{ node: 8}) << E1.connect(:in, as: :b)
> v.compile(as: flatten).to_human 
#INFO->match {class: v2, as: v2s, where: ( node = 8)}.in(e1){as: b} return  v2s,  b
 => ["<V2[89:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 8>", "<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>"]

We get a table with two columns, displaying the start vertex and the connected one (containing 10 E2-Edges).

To inspect the next layer, we have to follow the :out-path. This is released by adding another connect to the query

> v= V2.match( where:{ node: 8}, as: nil) <<
     E2.connect(:in, as: :b)             <<
     E2.connect(:out, as: :c)
> v.compile(as: :array).to_human
  INFO->match {class: v2, where: ( node = 8)}.in(e2){as: b}.out(e2){as: c} return  b,  c
=> [["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[82:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 1>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[83:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 2>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[84:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 3>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[85:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 4>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[86:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 5>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[87:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 6>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[88:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 7>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[89:0]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 8>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[82:1]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 9>"],
    ["<V1[74:0]: out: {E2=>10}, item : 1>", "<V2[83:1]: in: {E2=>1}, node : 10>"]]