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Satoshi Teshiba edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 2 revisions

In the Dark age, it is necessary to limit training villagers for research next Feudal age.

To train up to 24 villagers in the Dark age, write the following C # code.

using System;

using LibAoe2AISharp.Framework;
using LibAoe2AISharp.Specifications;

using static LibAoe2AISharp.Specifications.Ope;

namespace Aoe2AISharpSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(new TrainVillager(25).ToScript());

    public class TrainVillager : Train
        public TrainVillager(int count)
            : base(unit.villager)
            Facts.Add(new unit_type_count_total(unit.villager,, count));
            Facts.Add(new current_age(relop.eq, age.dark_age));

Then, it will output the following AI script.

;Train villager
    (can-train villager) ;Can train villager?
    (unit-type-count-total villager < 25) ;Check count : unit villager
    (current-age == dark-age) ;Check dark-age
    (train villager) ;Train villager