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This is the continuation of the micro-service Flights_API which contains all the buisness logic of the FLight API.

This microservice specifically handles the business logic of flight booking by the user. This includes flight booking, payment gateway routes (dummy as of now), handling concurrent booking of the same seats by different users (Atomic property of ACID), locks on the database to avoid dirty reads and serialize the requests. Avoiding the case of double or multiple payments by the user by making the API Idempotent, auto-cancelling the flight bookings that are not processed by the user using node-cron, and much more.

Both the service interacts with the common SQL-based database - powered by Sequelize ORM

Setup the project

  • Download this template from github and open it in your favourite text editor.
  • Go inside the folder path and execute the following command:
npm install
  • In the root directory create a .env file and add the following env variables

        PORT=<port number of your choice>


  • go inside the src folder and execute the following command:

      npx sequelize init
  • By executing the above command you will get migrations and seeders folder along with a config.json inside the config folder.

  • If you're setting up your development environment, then write the username of your db, password of your db and in dialect mention whatever db you are using for ex: mysql, mariadb etc

  • If you're setting up test or prod environment, make sure you also replace the host with the hosted db url.

  • To run the server execute

npm run dev


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