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This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.8.

This means that you need nodejs (v8.11.3) and npm (node package manager, 6.1.0). To install the angular cli package manager run npm install @angular/cli -g. When finished type ng -v to give you the current version (6.0.8).


The application exists in github and you can download it by typing:

git clone

Then go to the folder cd deckBrowser and type:

npm install npm-install-all

to install all nodejs modules.

Development server

Go to the angular folder and Run ng serve --open for a dev server. This will open automatically a browser. Alternatively you can navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Furthermore the application has been uploaded to a private server and you could also see it by typing:

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Development Process

The application had 4 developmental steps.

  1. Creating the 'home' component and a 'gateway' service. The basic files reside in src/app/home and src/app/services respectively.
  2. Writing basic html in 'home' component and code 'gateway' to bring the necessary data. In this step the aside and main html tags have been used to divide the areas. For the asynchronous requests the Promises have been used.
  3. Styling up 'home' component. 4 different views have been designed. For larger screens (>1100px) - The sidebar and the content are fully showed, large screens (800px-1100px) - similar to previous but the img of the content start shrinking to give space to the text, average size screens (600px-800px) - Sidebar is hidden and a combo menu appears, small screens (<600px) - the content is showed after the image.
  4. Modifying the code to include unit tests that run Jasmine via Karma command line runner. The unit test functions can be found in src/app/home/app.component.spec.ts and src/app/home/gateway.service.spec.ts for the 'home' page and the 'gateway' service respectively.


Application for the company Encode






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