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Companion packages: Cloud Scheduler, Cloud Logging


This package allows Google Cloud Tasks to be used as the queue driver.


This package requires Laravel 10 or 11.


Require the package using Composer

composer require stackkit/laravel-google-cloud-tasks-queue

Publish the service provider:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=cloud-tasks

Add a new queue connection to config/queue.php

'cloudtasks' => [
  'driver' => 'cloudtasks',
  'project' => env('CLOUD_TASKS_PROJECT', ''),
  'location' => env('CLOUD_TASKS_LOCATION', ''),
  'queue' => env('CLOUD_TASKS_QUEUE', 'default'),
  // Required when using AppEngine
  'app_engine'            => env('APP_ENGINE_TASK', false),
  'app_engine_service'    => env('APP_ENGINE_SERVICE', ''),
  // Required when not using AppEngine
  'handler'               => env('CLOUD_TASKS_HANDLER', ''),
  'service_account_email' => env('CLOUD_TASKS_SERVICE_EMAIL', ''),
  'backoff' => 0,

If you are using separate services for dispatching and handling tasks, and your application only dispatches jobs and should not be able to handle jobs, you may disable the task handler from config/cloud-tasks.php:

'disable_task_handler' => env('CLOUD_TASKS_DISABLE_TASK_HANDLER', false),

Finally, change the QUEUE_CONNECTION to the newly defined connection.


Now that the package is installed, the final step is to set the correct environment variables.

Please check the table below on what the values mean and what their value should be.

Environment variable Description Example
CLOUD_TASKS_PROJECT The project your queue belongs to. my-project
CLOUD_TASKS_LOCATION The region where the project is hosted. europe-west6
CLOUD_TASKS_QUEUE The default queue a job will be added to. emails
App Engine
APP_ENGINE_TASK (optional) Set to true to use App Engine task (else a Http task will be used). Defaults to false. true
APP_ENGINE_SERVICE (optional) The App Engine service to handle the task (only if using App Engine task). api
Non- App Engine apps
CLOUD_TASKS_SERVICE_EMAIL (optional) The email address of the service account. Important, it should have the correct roles. See the section below which roles.
CLOUD_TASKS_HANDLER (optional) The URL that Cloud Tasks will call to process a job. This should be the URL to your Laravel app. By default we will use the URL that dispatched the job. https://<your website>.com

How to

Passing headers to a task

You can pass headers to a task by using the setTaskHeadersUsing method on the CloudTasksQueue class.

use Stackkit\LaravelGoogleCloudTasksQueue\CloudTasksQueue;

CloudTasksQueue::setTaskHeadersUsing(static fn() => [
  'X-My-Header' => 'My-Value',

If necessary, the current payload being dispatched is also available:

use Stackkit\LaravelGoogleCloudTasksQueue\CloudTasksQueue;

CloudTasksQueue::setTaskHeadersUsing(static fn(array $payload) => [
  'X-My-Header' => $payload['displayName'],

Configure task handler url

You can set the handler url for a task by using the configureHandlerUrlUsing method on the CloudTasksQueue class.

use Stackkit\LaravelGoogleCloudTasksQueue\CloudTasksQueue;

CloudTasksQueue::configureHandlerUrlUsing(static fn() => '');

If necessary, the current job being dispatched is also available:

use Stackkit\LaravelGoogleCloudTasksQueue\CloudTasksQueue;

CloudTasksQueue::configureHandlerUrlUsing(static fn(MyJob $job) => '' . $job->something());

Configure worker options

You can configure worker options by using the configureWorkerOptionsUsing method on the CloudTasksQueue class.

use Stackkit\LaravelGoogleCloudTasksQueue\IncomingTask;

CloudTasksQueue::configureWorkerOptionsUsing(function (IncomingTask $task) {
    $queueTries = [
        'high' => 5,
        'low' => 1,

    return new WorkerOptions(maxTries: $queueTries[$task->queue()] ?? 1);

Use a custom credentials file

Modify (or add) the client_options key in the config/cloud-tasks.php file:

'client_options' => [
    'credentials' => '/path/to/credentials.json',

Modify CloudTasksClient options

Modify (or add) the client_options key in the config/cloud-tasks.php file:

'client_options' => [
    // custom options here

How it works and differences

Using Cloud Tasks as a Laravel queue driver is fundamentally different than other Laravel queue drivers, like Redis.

Typically a Laravel queue has a worker that listens to incoming jobs using the queue:work / queue:listen command. With Cloud Tasks, this is not the case. Instead, Cloud Tasks will schedule the job for you and make an HTTP request to your application with the job payload. There is no need to run a queue:work/listen command.

Good to know

Cloud Tasks has it's own retry configuration options: maximum number of attempts, retry duration, min/max backoff and max doublings. All of these options are ignored by this package. Instead, you may configure max attempts, retry duration and backoff strategy right from Laravel.


Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable with a path to the credentials file.

More info:

If you're not using your master service account (which has all abilities), you must add the following roles to make it works:

  1. App Engine Viewer
  2. Cloud Tasks Enqueuer
  3. Cloud Tasks Viewer
  4. Cloud Tasks Task Deleter
  5. Service Account User


Read UPGRADING.MD on how to update versions.