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Before running the script, ensure the following are installed and set up:

  • Python 3.x
  • requests library for Python (Installable via pip3 install requests)
  • Access credentials for NG WAF and Fastly


  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
    cd edge_deploy
    Install Dependencies:
    pip3 install requests

New Features and Improvements

Advanced Error Handling and Retry Logic

  • Retry Mechanism: The script now includes a retry mechanism for API calls, automatically retrying up to three times with a waiting period for transient network or server errors.
  • Enhanced Error Messages: More informative error messages are provided, especially for HTTP 401 Unauthorized errors and for specific issues like failing to clone a service on Fastly. If a "failed to clone service" error occurs, the script suggests checking your Fastly API token or creating a new one.

Edge Security Object Management

  • Automatic Creation: If a site does not exist on NG WAF, the script now automatically creates an edge security object for it.
  • Mapping to Fastly Service: Sites can be mapped to Fastly services more easily, with options to activate the Fastly service version immediately and to specify the percentage of traffic to be routed through the NG WAF.

Flexible Deployment Options

  • Activate Version Option: When mapping a site to a Fastly service, you can choose to activate the service version immediately with the --activate flag.
  • Traffic Ramping: Control the percentage of traffic to route through the NG WAF using the --percent_enabled argument, allowing for gradual ramping up of traffic.

Synchronizing Origins with Fastly Backend

  • --sync-backend Flag: The script now supports synchronizing origins with the Fastly backend after any changes to the origins in the Fastly control panel. This prevents 503 Unknown wasm backend errors.
  • CSV File Input for Synchronization: The --sync-backend flag works with a CSV file to synchronize multiple sites at once, reading site_name and fastly_sid from the file.

Mutually Exclusive Flags for Operations

  • Provisioning and Synchronization: The script has mutually exclusive flags --provision and --sync-backend to ensure that only one operation (either provisioning or backend synchronization) is executed at a time.

Using setup_env.zsh to Update Local Terminal Environment

To streamline the process of setting environment variables, we have included a script called setup_env.zsh. This script will help you set up the necessary environment variables in your terminal session.

Running the setup_env.zsh Script

  1. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x setup-env.zsh
  2. Run the script:

    source setup_env.zsh --update-file
    • The script will prompt you to enter values for CORP_NAME, NGWAF_TOKEN, and FASTLY_TOKEN.
    • If the --update-file flag is passed, it will also prompt for site_name and service_id and update file.csv.
  3. Reload the terminal environment: After running the script, reload your .zshrc to apply the changes:

    source ~/.zshrc

Using the Environment Variables

Once the environment variables are set, you can use the new function to load them in future sessions:


Replace <CORP_NAME> with the actual name you provided during the setup.

CSV File Input

The script supports processing multiple sites from a CSV file. The CSV file should contain two columns: site_name and fastly_sid.

Format of the CSV File


Using the CSV File

To use the CSV file, provide the file path as a command-line argument:

python3 --ngwaf_user_email 'your_ngwaf_user_email' --ngwaf_token 'your_ngwaf_token' --fastly_token 'your_fastly_token' --corp_name 'your_corp_name' --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv' [--activate] [--percent_enabled <0-100>]

For backend synchronization:

python3 --sync-backend --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv'

Updating the CSV File with setup_env.zsh

If you use the setup_env.zsh script with the --update-file flag, it will prompt you for site_name and service_id and update file.csv accordingly.

source setup_env.zsh --update-file


The script can be executed by providing command-line arguments or by setting environment variables.

Using Command-Line Arguments

Execute the script by passing the required parameters:

python3 --ngwaf_user_email 'your_ngwaf_user_email' --ngwaf_token 'your_ngwaf_token' --fastly_token 'your_fastly_token' --corp_name 'your_corp_name' --site_name 'your_site_name' --fastly_sid 'your_fastly_service_id' [--activate] [--percent_enabled <0-100>]

Alternatively, you can provide a CSV file containing site names and Fastly Service IDs:

python3 --ngwaf_user_email 'your_ngwaf_user_email' --ngwaf_token 'your_ngwaf_token' --fastly_token 'your_fastly_token' --corp_name 'your_corp_name' --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv' [--activate] [--percent_enabled <0-100>]

Synchronizing Origins with Fastly Backend

To synchronize origins using the CSV file:

python3 --sync-backend --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv'

Using Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables, then run the script without specifying the parameters:

export NGWAF_USER_EMAIL='your_ngwaf_user_email'
export NGWAF_TOKEN='your_ngwaf_token'
export FASTLY_TOKEN='your_fastly_token'
export CORP_NAME='your_corp_name'
export SITE_NAME='your_site_name' # Required if not using a CSV file
export FASTLY_SID='your_fastly_service_id' # Required if not using a CSV file
export ACTIVATE='true' # Optional, default is false
export PERCENT_ENABLED='10' # Optional, default is 0

Then, execute the script:


Example Scenarios

  • Deploying with Partial Traffic Ramping:
    python3 --ngwaf_user_email '' --ngwaf_token 'token123' --fastly_token 'fastlykey123' --corp_name 'MyCorp' --site_name 'MySite' --fastly_sid 'serviceID' --activate --percent_enabled 25

This command deploys the NG WAF with 25% of traffic initially routed through the new setup.

  • Deploying without Activating the Fastly Service:
    python3 --ngwaf_user_email '' --ngwaf_token 'token123' --fastly_token 'fastlykey123' --corp_name 'MyCorp' --site_name 'MySite' --fastly_sid 'serviceID'

This will set up the NG WAF without activating the Fastly service version, allowing for manual activation later.

  • Synchronizing Origins for Multiple Sites:
    python3 --sync-backend --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv'

This command synchronizes the origins for all sites listed in the provided CSV file.

Watch demo video

Check out this walkthrough of our project: Batch deployment update:


Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.


Sina Siar - @ssiar -


Edge Security Deployment Tool






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