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Tamas Spisak edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 30 revisions

pTFCE: probabilistic Treshold-free Cluster Enhancement

Welcome to the wiki pages of pTFCE!

pTFCE (probabilistic TFCE) is a cluster-enhancement method to improve detectability of neuroimaging signal. It performs topology-based belief boosting by integrating cluster information into voxel-wise statistical inference.

The following pages provide and overview of the theoretical basis, and a some examples for the usage of the pTFCE technique.

For a detailed description and theory, please refer to (and please cite):

Tamás Spisák, Zsófia Spisák, Matthias Zunhammer, Ulrike Bingel, Stephen Smith, Thomas Nichols, Tamás Kincses, Probabilistic TFCE: a generalised combination of cluster size and voxel intensity to increase statistical power. Accepted in Neuroimage.


  1. Overview

  2. Relation to TFCE

  3. The R-package

    3.1 Installation

    3.2 Usage

  4. The SPM Toolbox

    4.1 Installation

    4.2 Usage

  5. The FSL extension

    5.1 Installation

    5.2 Usage

  6. The Nipype interface

  7. Notes on smoothness estimation

Citation and References