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Andrei Vlad Birgaoanu edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

This is a list of the most frequently needed commands.


Build the contracts using the default profile:

$ forge build

Build Optimized

Build the contracts using the optimized profile:

$ bun build:optimized

This will compile the contracts with the --via-ir flag enabled.

Build SMT

Build the contracts with the SMTChecker enabled, while ignoring any warnings due to the use of assembly blocks:

$ bun build:smt

This will attempt to formally prove the correctness of the contracts by trying to break invariants (e.g. by finding failing assert statements).


Delete the build artifacts and cache directories:

$ forge clean


Format the code:

$ forge fmt

Gas Report

Get a gas report:

$ bun gas:report

Gas Report Optimized

Get a gas report for the optimized version of the contracts:

$ bun gas:report:optimized

Gas Snapshot

Take a gas snapshot:

$ bun gas:snapshot

Gas Snapshot Optimized

Take a gas snapshot against the optimized version of the contracts:

$ bun gas:snapshot:optimized


Lint the entire code base (Solidity + other files):

$ bun lint

Lint Sol

Lint the contracts:

$ bun lint:sol


Run the tests:

$ bun test

Test Optimized

Run the tests against the optimized version of the contracts:

$ bun test:optimized


There are many other commands available in Foundry. Check out the Foundry Book!