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Manuel edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 4 revisions

Used Commands

I list here all used RTC SCM CLI commands with explanation, for what they are used.



  • lscm login -r REPO -u USER -P PASSWORD
    • Used to store credentials in order not to pass it in each following command
  • lscm --show-alias n --show-uuid y show attributes -r REPO -w STREAMNAME
    • Used to get UUID of a given streamname (which gets displayed cause of --show-uuid y)
  • lscm create workspace -r REPO -s STREAM WORKSPACENAME
    • Creates a workspace, which follows a stream
  • lscm load -r REPO WORKSPACENAME --force
    • Loads a workspace (force is used for overwriting existing files/already loaded workspace)


  • lscm --show-alias n --show-uuid y list components -v -r REPO STREAM
    • List components of a stream, used for reading component (name & uuid) and baseline (name & uuid)
  • lscm --show-alias n --show-uuid y compare ws WORKSPACENAME baseline BASELINEUUID -r REPO -I swc -C @@{name}@@{email}@@ --flow-directions i -D DATEFORMAT
    • Used for comparing workspace with baseline or stream (in case of stream replace baseline BASELINEUUID with stream STREAMUUID)
    • Shows only incoming changes (--flow directions)
    • Get Name and Email from committer with special pre- & suffix (-C @@{name}@@{email}@@)
    • Show workitem and comment by component (-I swc)
  • lscm accept --changes REVISIONUUID --overwrite-uncommitted
    • Accept a given change into workdirectory and workspace


  • lscm add flowtarget -r REPO WORKSPACENAME STREAMUUID
    • Add a stream to the flowtarget of a workspace
  • lscm --show-alias n list flowtargets -r REPO WORKSPACENAME
    • List current flowtargets of a workspace
  • lscm set flowtarget -r REPO WORKSPACENAME --default --current STREAMUUID"
    • Sets an existing flowtarget of a workspace to default and current
    • Removes a given flowtarget from a workspace
  • lscm set component -r REPO -b BASELINEUUID WORKSPACENAME stream STREAMUUID COMPONENTUUID --overwrite-uncommitted
    • Set a component to a specific baseline

A good overview over a couple of commands can be found [here] ( or here for different server versions