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Releases: ropensci/tidyqpcr


26 Jun 23:21
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v1.0.0 is the release of tidyqpcr after software review and acceptance by rOpenSci.

  • removed plot_helper functions 36a16f6
  • explicitly use the "by" argument in all joins, updated tests d010f66
  • cleaned up tests a113a9a
  • fixed urls in 60b354f
  • updates to transfer ownership to rOpenSci, including


30 May 15:51
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Updates to v0.5 in response to rOpenSci review 2nd round. Mostly improvements in documentation and help files, and a change to display_plate functions to make more general and more specialised versions.

  • Added missing files to .Rbuildignore and changed references to licence, version and depends in DESCRIPTION ewallace@fa29569
  • made packages explicit in tests ewallace@d31933b
  • getting started moved in readme c05f925
  • Added top-level help-file 98f930b
  • Adds read_qpcr_data.R tests f5816f1
  • Removes {lifecycle} from description da45200
  • Address spelling errors cfe2e7c and 8f354b5
  • calculate_dydx_1 to calculate_dydx 45649a1
  • changes label_plate_rowcol warnings to notes ba1eb67
  • changes display_plate_qpcr() to enable display_plate() to be more general bd482f2. Older code will need to use display_plate_qpcr to ensure that sample_id and target_id info displays.
  • improved plot_helpers.R styling 55f4ca5
  • Adds basic usage to the Readme 25bed2d
  • Updates pkgdown website b88ed9f

Checks, documentation, vignettes, for rOpenSci resubmission

04 Feb 15:23
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Many improvements, mostly to documentation and vignettes. This release was prepared for resubmission to rOpenSci software review

  • Echo setup code chunk in vignettes #137
  • Documentation for plate setup avoiding edge wells #132
  • Visualizing measurement results in the plate layout in calibration vignette #131
  • Fix vignette titles #130
  • Reduce package footprint below 5MB by compressing data #128
  • Rewrite description of other packages #126
  • Tabulate MIQE requirements addressed by tidyqpcr and other R packages #125
  • Improved Function documentation #124
  • Vignette packages and files, use system.file and explain it #122, #145
  • Clarify README #121
  • Remove deprecated getdRdTall #103
  • Document multi-plate calculations and validate inputs of calculate_drdt_plate #104

Stable version with tests for rOpenSci submission

14 Jan 12:19
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  • Includes tests with 80% code coverage
  • Examples for every function
  • Improved README with status badges
  • JOSS-format draft
  • Submitted to rOpensci for software review

bug & documentation fixes in relative quantification

31 Oct 09:49
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calculate_efficiency warning correct, fixes #80

relative quantification with delta Cq and delta delta Cq

04 Sep 13:05
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Upgraded features for relative quantification, new vignettes to explain these, and gave functions more helpful names such as calculate... as well as create...

  • lay out and display 96/384-well plates for easy experimental setup (label_plate_rowcol, create_blank_plate, ...)
  • read-in Cq and raw data from Roche LightCycler machines with single-channel fluorescence (read_lightcycler_1colour_cq, read_lightcycler_1colour_raw)
  • delta Cq: normalization/ relative quantification of Cq data to one or more reference targets by delta count method (calculate_normcq, calculate_deltacq_bysampleid)
  • delta delta Cq: normalization of delta Cq data across multiple samples (calculate_deltadeltacq_bytargetid)
  • calibration of primer sets including estimating efficiencies and visualization of curves (calculate_efficiency, and see vignettes)
  • visualization of amplification and melt curves (calculate_drdt_plate, and see vignettes)

version 0.1 alpha with Sample, Probe, Ct

20 Apr 15:23
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Code that used tidyqpcr before April 2020 should work using this release. The required variables for a plate plan analysis were:

  • Sample (later replaced by SampleID)
  • Probe (later replaced by TargetID)
  • Type (still there)
  • Ct (later replaced

We packaged this into a release to enable users to re-run old analysis scripts without rewriting.