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Explore the fascinating world of cellular automata with this Conway's Game of Life simulation!

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Game of Life Simulation

This project is a simulation of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton devised by mathematician John Conway. The simulation allows you to observe the evolution of a grid of cells based on simple rules.

Game Of Life

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. How to Play
  3. Customization
  4. Rules

Getting Started

To run the simulation, open the index.html file in your web browser. This will render a grid on the canvas, and the cells will evolve according to predefined rules.

How to Play

Start the Simulation: The simulation starts automatically when you open the index.html file. You can observe the generations evolving on the grid.



Purpose: The Generations class is responsible for managing the simulation of generations in Conway's Game of Life.


  • rows, columns, cellSize: Dimensions and size of each cell in the grid.
  • numGenerations: Number of generations to run in each iteration.
  • gridGenerator: An instance of the Grid class responsible for generating the initial grid.
  • currentGrid: Represents the current state of the grid.
  • gridDrawer: An instance of the GridDrawer class responsible for rendering the grid on the canvas.


  • runGenerations(): Initiates the simulation loop, updating and rendering the grid for each generation.
  • sleep(ms): A utility function to introduce a delay between generations.
  • isGridEmpty(grid): Checks if all cells in the grid are empty.
  • isEveryoneAlive(grid): Checks if all cells in the grid are alive.


Purpose: The Grid class is responsible for generating the initial state of the grid.


  • rows and columns: Dimensions of the grid.
  • grid: Represents the 2D array that holds the state of each cell in the grid.


  • generateRandomGrid(): Generates a random initial state for the grid.
  • printGrid(): Logs the current state of the grid to the console.


Purpose: The GridDrawer class handles the rendering of the grid on the canvas.


  • rows, columns, and cellSize: Dimensions and size of each cell in the grid.
  • canvas: The HTML canvas element.
  • context: The canvas rendering context.


  • drawGrid(grid, foodLocations): Renders the grid on the canvas, considering the state of each cell and optional food locations.
  • getCellColor(cellValue): Determines the color of a cell based on its value.
  • drawFoodSquares(foodLocations): Draws food squares on the canvas.


Purpose: The Rules class contains the logic for applying the rules of Conway's Game of Life.


  • applyRules(currentGrid, food): Applies the rules to determine the next state of each cell in the grid.
  • countLiveNeighbors(grid, row, col): Counts the number of live neighbors for a given cell.
  • getLastActiveTime(cellValue): Retrieves the last active time for a live cell.
  • isInactive(lastActiveTime, currentTime): Checks if a live cell is inactive for a specified period.


The rules of Conway's Game of Life are as follows:

  1. Underpopulation: Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies.
  2. Survival: Any live cell with two or three live neighbors survives.
  3. Overpopulation: Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies.
  4. Reproduction: Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell.

Additionally, cells can become inactive if they remain unchanged for a specified period.


Explore the fascinating world of cellular automata with this Conway's Game of Life simulation!







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