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PyCon India 2019 Dev Sprint

Rajkumar Rajendran edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

Manadu's first Dev Sprint happened in PyCon India 2019 on 15 Oct 2019.


  1. Rajkumar R (rajkumartreads) - Maintainer
  2. Gokul (gok03) - Testing
  3. Abhishek (abhishekmishragithub) - Issues management
  4. Sharmila (sharmi) - Django
  5. Karen Immanuel (karenImmanuel) - Django
  6. Kiran Kotaru (kirankotaru) - TBD
  7. Subramanian (venkats2gethub) - Django
  8. Saheel Wagh (saheelwagh) - VueJS
  9. Haridass (haridasssas) - User Experience
  10. Noufal (noufalc) - VueJS
  11. Ram (mr-ramc) - Django
  12. Rohith (rohitdharavath) - Django/VueJS
  13. Rengaraj Dhachinamoorthy (gnurenga) - Django/Service Integration
  14. Siva Sai (sivasaikrishna) - Python/Algorithm development

Proposed features:

  1. Digital Food Coupon
  2. Stall real-time schedule
  3. Pages to attendees with accessibility features
  4. On the spot registration via tool
  5. Ticket transfer via tool
  6. Real time schedule with change notification
  7. Interactive venue map
  8. Integrate conference schedule to google calendar
  9. Scan and check-in, Attendee + Child care
  10. Digital cancellation
  11. Attendees can express interest to talk via tool
  12. Talk feedback
  13. Speakers can share resources to attendees via tool
  14. Announcements from organizers - attendee can choose their interest
  15. Ask help via tool / Digital Help desk
  16. Announcements from sponsors
  17. Registration via tool with payments gateway
  18. Cloak room management

Proposed modules:

  1. attendee
  2. organizer
  3. sponsor
  4. vendor
  5. volunteer

Technology Stack:

  1. Python 3.7
  2. Django 2.2
  3. VueJS 2.6.10
  4. Bulma 0.7.5
  5. PostgreSQL 11
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