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richardsonlima edited this page Aug 2, 2012 · 2 revisions

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Gianni Di Caro ,senior researcher at Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA), in Lugano, Switzerland says [ Software implementations of AntNet ] "Lavina Jain made an implementation of AntNet for NS-2 (that can be also downloaded here). Starting from Jain's code, Richardson Lima has released a revised and updated version of AntNet for NS-2.33. Since I'm not an NS-2 user, I haven't checked these implementations, but I guess the Lima's implementation can be used as a good starting point. If you plan to use Lima's code, please feel free to contact me to check/improve the quality of the implementation."

AntNet Algorithm on ENSC427: COMMUNICATION NETWORKS SPRING 2011 "One of the implementations for routing in MANET is Antnet, first developed by Lavina Jain and later updated by Richardson Lima[1]. Inspired by the foraging behaviour of ants when they search for food and the swarm intelligence to the optimized path between a food source and colony, each node in a MANET stores routing information for the neighbouring nodes and their usage as pheromone values and routes incoming packets to the path with the highest pheromone value. However, during initialization and route discovery phase, all the pheromone values are set equal and nodes route incoming packets randomly until the pheromone value converges to the optimum values. "