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yawetse edited this page Nov 9, 2014 · 13 revisions

Periodic is an application framework built on top of Express and MongoDB designed for data driven, content based web and mobile applications.

The platform is 100% open source and composed of extremely modular components that enable creating bespoke Node.js/Express/MongoDB based applications efficiently with new or existing themes and extensions

What can I build with Periodic?

The platform is built with the UNIX / small utility / modular application design philosophy in mind. Content creators, developers, software engineers and entrepreneurs are encouraged to build large robust applications by integrating small single purposed extensions.

Periodic emphasizes a curated (and non-opinionated) workflow, using Express with MongoDB and an extremely malleable data model.

The use of additional frameworks, templating languages and design libraries is highly encouraged.

Applications built with Periodic range from simple blogs, complicated enterprise media publications, mobile application datastores, e-commerce platforms and more.

What's included?

  • Flexible information hierarchy & data model
    Efficiently create custom content items and groupings, with custom content types and additional data attributes, scheduled content, reversion history and track changes
  • Theming & unrestrictive layouts
    Override application functionality with framework friendly, design library agnostic custom themes.
  • Modular & infinitely extendible
    Add extensions, node modules and more functionality with ease.
  • High Scalable, Deployment & Enterprise Friendly
    Quickly deploy and manage instances with PM2. Cloud friendly and create edge nodes, read only and private content management instances.

Get started with your first Periodic Application

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