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Quasar Plugin MS SQL Server Discord



The MS SQL Server plugins enable Quasar to load data from and to MS SQL Server. Most native column types are supported with the notable exception of BINARY variants.

This plugin also enables connection to Azure SQL Database (Microsoft's hosted SQL Server) and Azure Synapse (formerly Azure SQL DW).

Datasource Configuration

JSON configuration required to construct a MS SQL Server datasource.

  "connection": <connection-configuration>

Destination Configuration

JSON configuration required to construct a MS SQL Server destination.

  "connection": <connection-configuration>,
  "writeMode": "create" | "replace" | "truncate" | "append",
  "schema": OPTIONAL <schema>
  • connection: A connection configuration object.
  • writeMode: Indicates how to handle loading data into an existing table
    • create: prevent loading data into an existing table, erroring if it exists
    • replace: DROP and recreate an existing table prior to loading data
    • truncate: TRUNCATE an existing table prior to loading data
    • append: appends to an existing table, creating it if it doesn't exist
  • schema: OPTIONAL. The name of the schema to load data into. If omitted, defaults to 'dbo'.

Connection Configuration

JSON configurating describing how to connect to MS SQL Server.

  "jdbcUrl": String
  [, "maxConcurrency": Number]
  [, "maxLifetimeSecs": Number]
  • jdbcUrl: a MS SQL Server connection string. Note that any connection parameter values containing URI reserved characters must be percent encoded to avoid ambiguity.
  • maxConcurrency (optional): the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database (default: 8)
  • maxLifetimeSecs (optional): the maximum lifetime, in seconds, of idle connections. If your database or infrastructure imposes any limit on idle connections, make sure to set this value to at most a few seconds less than the limit (default: 300 seconds)


Run the MS SQL Server docker image like so:

$ docker-compose up -d mssql

If you ever need to start the image without using docker-compose, do it like so:

$ sudo docker pull
$ sudo docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=<YourStrong@Passw0rd>" -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -h sql1 -d