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An implementation of response-time analysis for sets of preemptive jobs scheduled globally on a system with identical cores.


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Response-time analysis for preemptive jobs using SAG

Reachability-Based Response-Time Analysis of Preemptive Tasks Under Global Scheduling using Schedule Abstraction Graph (SAG)

This repository contains the implementations of response-time analysis for sets of preemptive jobs scheduled globally on a system with identical cores. The analysis is described in the following paper:

  • P. Gohari, J. Voeten, and M. Nasri “Reachability-Based Response-Time Analysis of Preemptive Tasks Under Global Scheduling”, Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), 2024.

📦 Dependencies

  • A modern C++ compiler supporting the C++14 standard. Recent versions of clang and g++ on Linux is known to work.
  • The CMake build system. For installation using apt (Ubuntu, Debian...):
sudo apt-get -y install cmake 
  • A POSIX OS. Linux and macOS are both known to work.

  • The Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB) library and parallel runtime.

  • The jemalloc scalable memory allocator. Alternatively, the TBB allocator can be used instead; see build options below.

📋 Build Instructions

These instructions assume a Linux host.

To compile the tool, first generate an appropriate Makefile with cmake and then use it to actually build the source tree.

 # (1) enter the build directory
 cd build
 # (2) generate the Makefile
 cmake ..
 # (3) build everything
 make -j

The last step yields the main binary rt_analysis in the build/ directory.

Build Options

The build can be configured in a number of ways by passing options via the -D flag to cmake in step (2).

To enable debug builds, pass the DEBUG option to cmake .

cmake -DDEBUG=yes ..

To enable the collection of schedule graphs (the -g option in rt_analysis), set the option COLLECT_SCHEDULE_GRAPHS to yes.


Note that enabling COLLECT_SCHEDULE_GRAPHS turns off parallel analysis, i.e., the analysis becomes single-threaded, so don't turn it on by default. It is primarily a debugging aid.

By default, rt_analysis uses the default libc allocator (which is a tremendous scalability bottleneck). To use the jemalloc or Intel TBB allocator instead, pass the USE_JE_MALLOC or USE_TBB_MALLOC option to cmake.

📝 Input Format

The tool operates on classical SAG CSV files with a fixed column order. For more details, see the examples in the examples/ folder.

Job set input CSV files describe a set of jobs, where each row specifies one job. The following columns are required.

  1. Task ID — an arbitrary numeric ID to identify the task to which a job belongs
  2. Job ID — a unique numeric ID that identifies the job
  3. Release min — the earliest-possible release time of the job (equivalently, this is the arrival time of the job)
  4. Release max — the latest-possible release time of the job (equivalently, this is the arrival time plus maximum jitter of the job)
  5. Cost min — the best-case execution time of the job (can be zero)
  6. Cost max — the worst-case execution time of the job
  7. Deadline — the absolute deadline of the job
  8. Priority — the priority of the job (EDF: set it equal to the deadline)

All numeric parameters can be 64-bit integers (preferred) or floating point values (slower, not recommended).

⚙️ Usage

To run the tool on a given set, pass the filename as an argument and provide the number of (identical) processors (cores) via the -m option.
For example, to analyze the job set in examples/fig1-pr.csv for a system with two cores, run the following command:

./build/rt_analysis examples/fig1-pr.csv -m 2
examples/fig1-pr.csv,  1,  5,  24,  30,  7,  0.000044,  6.023438,  0,  2

See the builtin help (rt_analysis -h) for further options.

📄 Output Format

The output is provided in CSV format and consists of the following columns:

  1. The input file name.
  2. The schedulability result:
    • 1 if the job is is schedulable (i.e., the tool could prove the absence of deadline misses),
    • 0 if it is not, or if the analysis timed out, if it reached the depth limit, or if the analysis cannot prove the absence of deadline misses (while the RTSS'17 analysis is exact, the ECRTS'19 analysis is only sufficient, but not exact).
  3. The number of jobs in the job set.
  4. The number of states that were explored.
  5. The number of edges that were discovered.
  6. The maximum “exploration front width” of the schedule graph, which is the maximum number of unprocessed states that are queued for exploration (at any point in time).
  7. The CPU time used in the analysis (in seconds).
  8. The peak amount of memory used (as reported by getrusage()), divided by 1024. Due to non-portable differences in getrusage(), on Linux this reports the memory usage in megabytes, whereas on macOS it reports the memory usage in kilobytes.
  9. A timeout indicator: 1 if the state-space exploration was aborted due to reaching the time limit (as set with the -l option); 0 otherwise.
  10. The number of processors assumed during the analysis.

Pass the --header flag to rt_analysis to print out column headers.

Obtaining Response Times

The analysis computes for each job the earliest and latest possible completion times, from which it is trivial to infer minimum and maximum response times. To obtain this information, pass the -r option to rt_analysis.

If invoked on an input file named foo.csv, the completion times will be stored in a file foo.rta.csv and follow the following format, where each row corresponds to one job in the input job set.

  1. Task ID
  2. Job ID
  3. BCCT, the best-case completion time
  4. WCCT, the worst-case completion time
  5. BCRT, the best-case response time (relative to the minimum release time)
  6. WCRT, the worst-case response time (relative to the minimum release time)

Note that the analysis by default aborts after finding the first deadline miss, in which case some of the rows may report nonsensical default values.

⚠️ Notes

  • The parallel version of the analysis is implemented using Intel's Thread Building Blocks (TBB) library. The analysis is parallelized at the level of the state-space exploration, where each thread processes a different state. However, the analysis is not tested with parallel option enabled. Use it at your own risk.

🌱 Contribution

With your feedback and conversation, you can assist me in developing this framework.

  • Open pull request with improvements
  • Discuss feedback and bugs in issues

📜 License

The code is released under a 3-clause BSD license.

💡 Credits

Schedule Abstraction Graph (SAG) was originally introduced by Nasri et al. [1][2][3]. This implementation made use of the original tool which was developed by Björn Brandenburg. It is now being maintained by Geoffrey Nelissen. For more information, please visit Schedule Abstraction Framework page.

📚 References


An implementation of response-time analysis for sets of preemptive jobs scheduled globally on a system with identical cores.








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