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Merge pull request #653 from pillar-markup/dev
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merge pharoeval extension
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estebanlm committed May 2, 2023
2 parents 0829e58 + b613cbe commit c6ed4ba
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Showing 9 changed files with 423 additions and 15 deletions.
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions src/Microdown-RichTextComposer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
Create a hierarchy tree to show in microdown documentation.
This builder allows you to create the nice hierarchy you can see at `SpAbstractWidgetPresenter` class comment (in hierarchy section).
## Example
SpDocumentHierarchyBuilder new
""The class where to start the hierarchy (a superclass of aClass)""
fromClass: aTopClass;
""The microdown builder""
builder: aBuilder;
""A filter to make sure we include classes we want in hierarchy""
filter: [ :eachClass | eachClass package packageName beginsWith: 'Spec2-' ];
""Build the hierarchy for the class aClass""
buildFor: aClass
Class {
#name : #MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Microdown-RichTextComposer'

{ #category : #private }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> addLevel: level from: aClass [
"'├ ─ ╰ │'"
| path |

path := (aClass allSuperclasses copyUpTo: self topClass) reversed.

builder monospace: ' '.

path do: [ :each |
builder monospace: ((self isPassingThrough: aClass topLevel: each)
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ ' ' ]) ].

level > 0 ifTrue: [
| list |
list := flattenTree at: aClass superclass ifAbsent: [ #() ].
list ifNotEmpty: [
builder monospace: ((list size = 1 or: [ list last = aClass ])
ifTrue: [ '╰─ ' ]
ifFalse: [ '├─ ' ]) ] ].

builder monospace: aClass name.
aClass = class
ifTrue: [ builder monospace: ' (this is me)' ].
builder newLine.
(flattenTree at: aClass) do: [ :each |
addLevel: level + 1
from: each ]

{ #category : #private }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> addLevel: level from: aClass to: stream [
"'├ ─ ╰ │'"
| path |

path := (aClass allSuperclasses copyUpTo: self topClass) reversed.

path do: [ :each |
stream << ((self isPassingThrough: aClass topLevel: each)
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ ' ' ]) ].

level > 0 ifTrue: [
| list |
list := flattenTree at: aClass superclass ifAbsent: [ #() ].
list ifNotEmpty: [
(list size = 1 or: [ list last = aClass ])
ifTrue: [ stream << '╰─ ' ]
ifFalse: [ stream << '├─ ' ] ] ].

stream << aClass name.
stream newLine.
(flattenTree at: aClass) do: [ :each |
addLevel: level + 1
from: each
to: stream ]

{ #category : #private }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> applyFilterTo: aCollection [

filterBlock ifNil: [ ^ aCollection ].
^ aCollection select: filterBlock

{ #category : #building }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> buildFor: aClass [

self fillTreeOf: aClass.
addLevel: 0
from: self fromClass

{ #category : #building }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> buildStringFor: aClass [

self fillTreeOf: aClass.
^ String streamContents: [ :stream |
addLevel: 0
from: SpAbstractPresenter
to: (ZnNewLineWriterStream on: stream) ]

{ #category : #accessing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> builder: aBuilder [

builder := aBuilder

{ #category : #private }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> fillTreeOf: aClass [

class := aClass.
flattenTree := OrderedDictionary new.
self fillTreeWithSuperclassesOf: aClass.
self fillTreeWithSubclassesOf: aClass.

^ flattenTree

{ #category : #private }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> fillTreeWithSubclassesOf: aClass [

flattenTree at: aClass put: (self applyFilterTo: aClass subclasses).
aClass subclasses do: [ :each |
self fillTreeWithSubclassesOf: each ]

{ #category : #private }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> fillTreeWithSuperclassesOf: aClass [
| superclasses |

superclasses := (aClass allSuperclasses copyUpTo: self topClass) reversed.
superclasses do: [ :each |
at: each
put: { (superclasses
after: each
ifAbsent: [ aClass ]) } ].


{ #category : #accessing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> filter: aBlock [

filterBlock := aBlock

{ #category : #accessing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> fromClass [

^ fromClass ifNil: [ SpAbstractPresenter ]

{ #category : #accessing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> fromClass: aClass [

fromClass := aClass

{ #category : #testing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> isPassingThrough: aClass topLevel: aTopClass [
| superclasses |

superclasses := flattenTree at: aTopClass superclass ifAbsent: [ #() ].
superclasses size <= 1 ifFalse: [
^ (superclasses indexOf: aTopClass) < superclasses size ].

^ false

{ #category : #accessing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> topClass [

^ topClass ifNil: [ self fromClass superclass ]

{ #category : #accessing }
MicDocumentHierarchyBuilder >> topClass: aClass [

topClass := aClass
77 changes: 63 additions & 14 deletions src/Microdown-RichTextComposer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -259,6 +259,32 @@ MicRichTextComposer >> codeStylerClass [
^ codeStylerClass

{ #category : #private }
MicRichTextComposer >> doVisitCode: aCodeBlock [

doVisitCode: aCodeBlock
code: aCodeBlock body

{ #category : #private }
MicRichTextComposer >> doVisitCode: aCodeBlock code: aStringOrText [

canvas indentIn: [
<< ((self codeStylerClass stylerFor: aCodeBlock language)
style: aStringOrText );
aCodeBlock hasCaption ifTrue: [
includeAttribute: TextEmphasis bold
in: [
<< aCodeBlock caption asText;
newLine ]]].
canvas << textStyler interBlockSpacing

{ #category : #initialization }
MicRichTextComposer >> initialize [
super initialize.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -377,21 +403,9 @@ MicRichTextComposer >> visitCenter: aMicCenterBlock [

{ #category : #visiting }
MicRichTextComposer >> visitCode: aCodeBlock [

canvas newLineIfNotAlready.
canvas indentIn: [
<< ((self codeStylerClass stylerFor: aCodeBlock language)
style: aCodeBlock body );
aCodeBlock hasCaption ifTrue: [
includeAttribute: TextEmphasis bold
in: [
<< aCodeBlock caption asText;
newLine ]]].
canvas << textStyler interBlockSpacing

self doVisitCode: aCodeBlock

{ #category : #'visiting - format' }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,6 +616,41 @@ MicRichTextComposer >> visitParameters: anObject [
^ self

{ #category : #'visiting - extensions' }
MicRichTextComposer >> visitPharoEvaluator: aScriptBlock [
"I execute the body. I handle four types of results:
Text - inserted verbatim
Microdown tree - rendered to text then inserted verbatim
String - Parsed, then rendered, then inserted.
Other results - printString asText - then inserted verbatim"
| label script doitForm codeText oldCanvas |

script := aScriptBlock body.
label := aScriptBlock label ifNil: [ String value: 1 ].

oldCanvas := canvas.
canvas := MicRichTextCanvas new
textStyler: self textStyler;
self doVisitCode: aScriptBlock.
codeText := canvas contents trim.
canvas := oldCanvas.

codeText addAttribute: (MicRichTextDoIt new
actOnClickBlock: [ self class evaluate: script ];

"this is a hack, because the align of the icon is attached to some top-left of the
letters that I do not understand, and I want it aligned with the actual text"
doitForm := ((Form
extent: 16@22 depth: Display depth)
mergeWith:(self iconNamed: #smallDoIt) at: 0@8)

canvas << doitForm << codeText.
canvas newLineIfNotAlready

{ #category : #visiting }
MicRichTextComposer >> visitQuote: aQuote [
"I should have a fancier implementation, but for now this should work and be recognized as a quote"
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Microdown-RichTextComposer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
An extension of TextDoIt attribute to be used to display executable code (in the evaluator).
Class {
#name : #MicRichTextDoIt,
#superclass : #TextDoIt,
#category : #'Microdown-RichTextComposer-Composer'

{ #category : #scanning }
MicRichTextDoIt >> emphasizeScanner: scanner [
"Skip emphasis"
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/Microdown-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Class {
#name : #MicPharoEvaluatortBlockTest,
#superclass : #MicBlockTest,
#category : #'Microdown-Tests-Extensions'

{ #category : #tests }
MicPharoEvaluatortBlockTest >> subjectClass [

^ MicPharoEvaluatorBlock

{ #category : #tests }
MicPharoEvaluatortBlockTest >> testScriptBloc [

| doc |
doc := Microdown parse:
1 < 3
self assert: doc children first class equals: MicPharoEvaluatorBlock.
self assert: doc children first body equals: '1 < 3'

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