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Web Assembly Rust Benchmark

This distributed Rust application benchmarks the processing of historical options data using WebAssembly. It consists of separate producer and consumer applications, communicating through Apache Kafka, with a mock server providing simulated options data.


  • Uses a mock server to generate random historical options data
  • Implements WebAssembly for efficient data filtering
  • Demonstrates Rust integration with WebAssembly for data processing tasks
  • Implements a distributed system with separate producer and consumer applications
  • Uses Apache Kafka for message passing between producer and consumer
  • Includes benchmarking using Criterion


The system consists of four main components:

  1. Mock Options Server: Generates random options data.
  2. Producer Application: Fetches data from the mock server and sends it to Kafka.
  3. Consumer Application: Reads data from Kafka and processes it using WebAssembly.
  4. WebAssembly Module: Filters the options data (currently filtering options with a strike price above $85.00).


Data Description

The application processes mock historical options data, which includes the following information for each option contract:

  • Contract ID
  • Symbol
  • Expiration date
  • Strike price
  • Option type (call/put)
  • Last price
  • Mark price
  • Bid and ask prices
  • Volume and open interest
  • Greeks (delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho)
  • Implied volatility

How It Works

  1. The mock server generates random historical options data.
  2. The producer application fetches data from the mock server.
  3. The producer sends the data to a Kafka topic.
  4. The consumer application reads the data from the Kafka topic.
  5. A WebAssembly module in the consumer application filters the options data.
  6. The filtered results are displayed in the console.


The benchmark focuses on the processing time of the WebAssembly module. It uses sample data from sample_data.json to ensure consistent results across runs. Criterion is used for precise and reliable benchmarking.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd wasm-rust-benchmark
  2. Start Kafka, Zookeeper, and the mock server using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Build the WebAssembly module:

    cd wasm-filter
    cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
  4. Build and run the producer application:

    cd ../historical_options_producer
    cargo run
  5. In a separate terminal, build and run the consumer application:

    cd ../historical_options_consumer
    cargo run
  6. To run the benchmark:

    cargo bench


  • Rust 1.55 or later
  • wasm-pack
  • Docker and Docker Compose (for running Kafka, Zookeeper, and the mock server)
  • Criterion (for benchmarking)

Mock Server

The mock server is a Flask application that generates random options data. It's containerized and runs alongside Kafka and Zookeeper in the Docker Compose setup.


This benchmark focuses on the processing performance of the WebAssembly module. The sample_data.json file is used for consistent benchmark results, bypassing the full flow with message queues to isolate the processing time.


No description or website provided.




