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This project is a personal portfolio website developed using React.js. It showcases the developer's skills, experience, education, and projects. The website also includes a contact form for visitors to send messages.


The website consists of the following pages:

  1. Landing: The initial page of the website, which redirects to the Home page after a short delay.

  2. Home: The landing page of the website, introducing the developer.

  3. About: This page provides detailed information about the developer's skills, experience, education, and certifications.

  4. Projects: Showcases the developer's projects. Each project card includes a brief description and tags related to the technologies used. There is also a link to view the project on GitHub.

  5. Contact: A form for visitors to send messages to the developer. It includes validation for each field and sends the form data using the EmailJS service.

  6. Resume: Displays the developer's résumé in PDF format.

  7. 404: A custom error page displayed when the requested page is not found.


The website uses several reusable components, including:

  • Header: The website's header, which includes navigation links to the different pages.
  • Footer: The website's footer.
  • PageTransition: A component that adds transition animations when navigating between pages.
  • ThemeButton: A button that allows users to toggle between light and dark themes.

Environment Variables

The project uses the following environment variables, which are stored in a .env file:

  • VITE_SERVICE_ID: The service ID for the EmailJS service.
  • VITE_TEMPLATE_ID: The template ID for the EmailJS service.
  • VITE_PUBLIC_KEY: The public key for the EmailJS service.


This project was bootstrapped with Vite. To set up and run this project locally, you'll need to have Node.js and npm installed. Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory: cd Portfolio-v1
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the application: npm run dev

The application will start running on http://localhost:3000.


As this is a personal portfolio website, contributions are not currently being accepted. However, you're welcome to fork the repository and use the code as a starting point for your own portfolio.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.