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Feb 26 - March 2, 2017 @ Black Gallery, SJSU

Mitchell Christ  |  Digital Media Arts, B.F.A., SJSU

Advisors:  Andrew Blanton  &  Steve Durie




The 'homescreen' is the main page of smart devices that nests applications and widgets. Its appearance changes as a user customizes his/her arrangements of apps and applies themes and wallpapers. Because they are customizable, the homescreens reflect the users’ creativity, personality, and individuality. I believe smart devices are an extension of the self, and the homescreens are reflections of the self that each reveal an identity.


My BFA show will be an installation of homescreens, displayed in different ways. Ideally, I would reserve a room with at least one large wall across the entrance. This one large wall will be filled, from corner to corner with a projector, the entirety of the collected homescreens in a grid style layout. On the side walls I will hang several frames (3 to 6 per wall, depending on sizes), in which I will either project or display on a digital screen (iPad, iPhone, small monitor, etc.) individual homescreens that changes to another after a certain amount of time. A couple of the frames, however, will not be of individual homescreens, but rather works of art created with the homescreens. One will be of all of the homescreens layered on top of each other, showing that despite all are different they are still the same or have the same basic qualities. Another will switch through different individual homescreens very rapidly, only allowing for viewers to see them for brief moments.

For this installation overall, I want to show that each homescreen tells its own story and that each is of work of art by itself, hence the framing of the individual displays. At the entrance/exit of the room will be a station that displays, along with my statement and other documents, a booth where visitors can contribute to the collective work by uploading their homescreens. Some may find my installation of the homescreens as not being original or creative since I am simply presenting (some of) them untouched and unedited, akin to Duchamp’s Fountain. However, like Duchamp, I believe the art is in the homescreens themselves as every user crafts their own homescreen and chooses to personalize them.

This installation is partly inspired by my personal experience with shūji (習字) or Japanese calligraphy. Since executing each stroke requires concentration and fluid motion, the drawn characters are said to reflect the personality and confidence of the calligrapher. During the exhibition, along with uploading a homescreen, I want to have participants also include 1 to 3 words that describe their personality or the kind of person they are. A separate projection will show individual homescreens with those attributed words next to it.


Inspired Artists

Teppei Koseki

Teppei Koseki has several videos on Vimeo, but I specifically am drawn to 1981-2001. Many of the homescreen artworks have strong resemblances. For example, where stripped glimpses of entire images are interweaving together to form the combined piece (DIVIDE (H) and DIVIDE(H)). However, in Koseki's piece the strips move across the screen from top to bottom. I had tried to do something in this manner with my work but struggled with making the movement smooth. ONE is another artwork that similar with regards to the individual images being shown for a fraction of a second until another appears.

Teppei's video incorporates sound in his video. It is no music; simply what seems to be the sound of a film roll in action. Despite being simple, the sound does not take away meaning from the piece. Rather, I feel like it strengthens it as the moving and appearing images suggest aesthetic of an old projector going through its film.

Jer Thorp

Canadian generative software and data artist, known for making data visualizations for the NY Times. Ever since I started coding and playing around with JavaScript/jQuery, I have found an interest in using data as means of creating art—basically data visualization. This installation is my first attempt at creating art with a database of information—in this case images of homescreens.

Yannick Jacquet

Projection mapping artist. I had the experience of working with Yannick during CSU Summer Arts at Fresno State installing a projection mapping installation. The theme of the artwork was bioluminescence on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons that may hold life. During the two weeks at Fresno, I was able to have hands-on experience with projection mapping tools such as MadMapper and Syphoner, as well as Premiere and After Effects, and be guided by Yannick.

As for my installation, I will most likely use MadMapper to project my content (HTML pages) onto the gallery walls with the projectors. Ideally, I want to have 3 projectors connect to one computer. One HTML page will be divided into 3 sections—1 section for each wall. Syphoner will send the live HTML page in realtime to MadMapper, where it will make adjustments with alignment of the walls.

Marcel Duchamp

Duchamp is widely known for 'readymades' (e.g. Fountain), or where the artist presents objects that are already made as if they are works of art. I believe homescreens are also ready-mades. I am presenting images of homescreens that are already arranged and personalized by the user of the device. I believe the art is in that process of customizing the apps and wallpapers.

Other Artists


  • Black Gallery (floor plan)
  • x 3 projectors
  • x 3 screens for projections
  • x 2+ displays (iPhones, iPads, or small monitors)
    • 1+ for 'Homescreen Art'
    • 1 for Uploader (computer monitor)
  • x 2~4 long HDMI cables (8 ~ 10m)


Homescreen Art

iPhone (S)
iPhone (M)
iPhone (L)
iPhone X
iPhone (S)
iPhone (M)
iPhone (L)
iPhone X
iPhone (S)
iPhone (M)
iPhone (L)
iPhone X
iPhone (S)
iPhone (M)
iPhone (L)
iPhone X
iPhone (S)
iPhone (M)
iPhone (L)
iPhone X


  • Please upload the first page of the homescreen of your smartphone.
  • Names (optional) will NOT be made public anywhere.
  • Uploaded homescreens will be collected and used for art purposes.
  • Uploaded homescreens will be made visible on this website and in the gallery during exhibition dates.
  • For more information, feel free to contact @nuotsu.

QR - Main Page QR - Upload

Advisor Meetings

Meeting 1 :  Andrew Blanton  |  Mid-November 2017
  • Introducing project proposal and information.
  • Receiving signature for BFA documents.
  • Asked questions regarding methods of presenting artwork (large high-quality prints, live projections, displayed on smartphone/tablet screens, etc.)
Meeting 2 :  Steve Durie  |  Mid-November 2017
  • Introducing project proposal and information.
  • Suggestion of portraying change over time of certain homescreens.
Meeting 3 :  Andrew Blanton  |  Jan 25, 2018
  • Getting suggestions on how to set up gallery
    • 1 ~ 2 projectors
    • 1 long HTML page split into 3 sections
    • white screens to project on
  • Talked about more artists to draw inspiration from
    • Jer Thorp, Nick Breeze, Anthony Antonellis
    • AR Kit,
Meeting 4 :  Steve Durie  |  Feb 1, 2018
  • Need to do comprehensive research on the 4 artists
    • Teppei Koseki's 1981-2001.
  • Getting information of where to get/borrow projectors
  • Suggesting my idea of asking participants to include 3 words that describe themselves when uploading their homescreen
  • Possibly add sound or music to the installation
Meeting 5 :  Steve Durie  |  Feb 14, 2018
  • How to connect multiple projectors to one laptop
  • suggestion of possibly getting a Mac mini to use as a third computer to connect one projector
  • My personal computer will connect to the remaining two projectors
Meeting 6 :  Andrew Blanton  |  Feb 15, 2018
  • Testing connection of two projectors to one laptop with Matrox TripleHead2Go
  • Asking to borrow large screen for projections