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Phonological Position Query Tool

The URL of this query tool is .

Deployment Instructions

This project uses Vite as the bundling tool. For ease of deployment on GitHub Pages and similar services, package.json and vite.config.mts are set by default to use the public path /tshet-uinh-tools/. When browsing, be sure to pay attention to whether the URL is in the form of website.domain/tshet-uinh-tools/.

If you are debugging, maintaining, or wish to independently deploy on services like Cloudflare Pages, which by default store resources at the root path /, please add the flag --base=/ when executing run build, i.e., run build --base=/. Alternatively, modifying the relevant parameters in package.json and vite.config.mts is also an effective method. This way, you can access the project directly using the domain format website.domain.




本項目採用 Vite 爲打包工具。爲方便部署在 GitHub Pages 及同類型的服務上, package.jsonvite.config.mts 默認設置公共路徑爲 /tshet-uinh-tools/ ,您瀏覽時務必注意 URL 是否爲類似 website.domain/tshet-uinh-tools/ 的形式。

若您在調試、維護,或想自行部署在 Cloudflare Pages 等默認保存資源在一級路徑 / 下的服務,請在打包構建 run build 時附上標識參數 --base=/ ,即 run build --base=/ ,或修改 package.jsonvite.config.mts 中的相關參數亦是可行的方法。如此您就可以直接以域名 website.domain 的形式訪問了。