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Hamster Mix Piano Guide

Nicholas Skeba edited this page Dec 19, 2021 · 5 revisions

Main Keys

2 Potentiometers - Control two custom effects such as pitch, volume, resonance.
12 Piano Keys - One full octave to play piano notes. Keys can also be used as an effects launcher.
Octave Up & Down Buttons - Switch between octaves 1 to 5. Set as octave 3 as default.

Custom Keys

Custom Effect Button - Set a custom effect such as latch key to have a key press play the note continuously.
Effect Changer Button - Switches the potentiometer channel as well as the effect button channel. Defaults on 1/2. Pressing the button switches the potentiometers to 3/4, then 5/6 then 7/8 and finally back to 1/2. This is useful when using multiple Hamster Mix keyboards to avoid conflicts. This also switches the custom effect button between 4 different assignments.

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