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i18 support for spanish and english locales are added
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channapat committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent a66647d commit c36d6aa
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Showing 2 changed files with 140 additions and 0 deletions.
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/main/resources/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
$ref = {0}: has an error with ''refs''
additionalItems = {0}: index ''{1}'' is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional items
additionalProperties = {0}: property ''{1}'' is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties
allOf = {0}: must be valid to all the schemas {1}
anyOf = {0}: must be valid to any of the schemas {1}
const = {0}: must be the constant value ''{1}''
contains = {0}: does not contain an element that passes these validations: {2}
contains.max = {0}: must contain at most {1} element(s) that passes these validations: {2}
contains.min = {0}: must contain at least {1} element(s) that passes these validations: {2}
dependencies = {0}: has an error with dependencies {1}
dependentRequired = {0}: has a missing property ''{1}'' which is dependent required because ''{2}'' is present
dependentSchemas = {0}: has an error with dependentSchemas {1}
enum = {0}: does not have a value in the enumeration {1}
exclusiveMaximum = {0}: must have an exclusive maximum value of {1}
exclusiveMinimum = {0}: must have an exclusive minimum value of {1}
false = {0}: schema for ''{1}'' is false
format = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern {2} = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3339 full-date = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3339 date-time
format.duration = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid ISO 8601 duration = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 5321 Mailbox
format.ipv4 = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 2673 IP address
format.ipv6 = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 4291 IP address
format.idn-email = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 6531 Mailbox
format.idn-hostname = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 5890 internationalized hostname
format.iri = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3987 IRI
format.iri-reference = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3987 IRI-reference
format.uri = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3986 URI
format.uri-reference = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3986 URI-reference
format.uri-template = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 6570 URI Template
format.uuid = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 4122 UUID
format.regex = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid ECMA-262 regular expression
format.time = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 3339 time
format.hostname = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 1123 host name
format.json-pointer = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid RFC 6901 JSON Pointer
format.relative-json-pointer = {0}: does not match the {1} pattern must be a valid IETF Relative JSON Pointer
format.unknown = {0}: has an unknown format ''{1}''
id = {0}: ''{1}'' is not a valid {2}
items = {0}: index ''{1}'' is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional items
maxContains = {0}: must be a non-negative integer in {1}
maxItems = {0}: must have at most {1} items but found {2}
maxLength = {0}: must be at most {1} characters long
maxProperties = {0}: must have at most {1} properties
maximum = {0}: must have a maximum value of {1}
minContains = {0}: must be a non-negative integer in {1}
minContainsVsMaxContains = {0}: minContains must less than or equal to maxContains in {1}
minItems = {0}: must have at least {1} items but found {2}
minLength = {0}: must be at least {1} characters long
minProperties = {0}: must have at least {1} properties
minimum = {0}: must have a minimum value of {1}
multipleOf = {0}: must be multiple of {1}
not = {0}: must not be valid to the schema {1}
notAllowed = {0}: property ''{1}'' is not allowed but it is in the data
oneOf = {0}: must be valid to one and only one schema, but {1} are valid
oneOf.indexes = {0}: must be valid to one and only one schema, but {1} are valid with indexes ''{2}''
pattern = {0}: does not match the regex pattern {1}
patternProperties = {0}: has some error with ''pattern properties''
prefixItems = {0}: no validator found at this index
properties = {0}: has an error with ''properties''
propertyNames = {0}: property ''{1}'' name is not valid: {2}
readOnly = {0}: is a readonly field, it cannot be changed
required = {0}: required property ''{1}'' not found
type = {0}: {1} found, {2} expected
unevaluatedItems = {0}: index ''{1}'' is not evaluated and the schema does not allow unevaluated items
unevaluatedProperties = {0}: property ''{1}'' is not evaluated and the schema does not allow unevaluated properties
unionType = {0}: {1} found, {2} expected
uniqueItems = {0}: must have only unique items in the array
writeOnly = {0}: is a write-only field, it cannot appear in the data
contentEncoding = {0}: does not match content encoding {1}
contentMediaType = {0}: is not a content media type
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/main/resources/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
$ref = {0}: tiene un error con ''refs''
additionalItems = {0}: el índice ''{1}'' no está definido en el esquema y el esquema no permite elementos adicionales
additionalProperties = {0}: la propiedad ''{1}'' no está definida en el esquema y el esquema no permite propiedades adicionales
allOf = {0}: debe ser válido para todos los esquemas {1}
anyOf = {0}: debe ser válido para cualquiera de los esquemas {1}
const = {0}: debe ser el valor constante ''{1}''
contains = {0}: no contiene un elemento que pase estas validaciones: {2}
contains.max = {0}: debe contener como máximo {1} elemento(s) que pasen estas validaciones: {2}
contains.min = {0}: debe contener al menos {1} elemento(s) que pasen estas validaciones: {2}
dependencies = {0}: tiene un error con las dependencias {1}
dependentRequired = {0}: le falta una propiedad ''{1}'' que es dependiente requerida porque ''{2}'' está presente
dependentSchemas = {0}: tiene un error con dependienteSchemas {1}
enum={0}: no tiene valor en la enumeración {1}
exclusiveMaximum = {0}: debe tener un valor máximo exclusivo de {1}
exclusiveMinimum = {0}: debe tener un valor mínimo exclusivo de {1}
false = {0}: el esquema para ''{1}'' es falso
format = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} {2} = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una fecha completa RFC 3339 válida = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una fecha y hora RFC 3339 válida
format.duration = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe tener una duración ISO 8601 válida = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un buzón RFC 5321 válido
format.ipv4 = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una dirección IP RFC 2673 válida
format.ipv6 = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una dirección IP RFC 4291 válida
format.idn-email = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un buzón RFC 6531 válido
format.idn-hostname = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un nombre de host internacionalizado RFC 5890 válido
format.iri = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un IRI RFC 3987 válido
format.iri-reference = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una referencia IRI RFC 3987 válida
format.uri = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un URI RFC 3986 válido
format.uri-reference = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una referencia URI RFC 3986 válida
format.uri-template = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una plantilla URI RFC 6570 válida
format.uuid = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un UUID RFC 4122 válido
format.regex = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una expresión regular ECMA-262 válida
format.time = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser una hora RFC 3339 válida
format.hostname = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un nombre de host RFC 1123 válido
format.json-pointer = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un puntero JSON RFC 6901 válido
format.relative-json-pointer = {0}: no coincide con el patrón {1} debe ser un puntero JSON relativo de IETF válido
format.unknown = {0}: tiene un formato desconocido ''{1}''
id = {0}: ''{1}'' no es un {2} válido
items = {0}: el índice ''{1}'' no está definido en el esquema y el esquema no permite elementos adicionales
maxContains = {0}: debe ser un número entero no negativo en {1}
maxItems = {0}: debe tener como máximo {1} elementos pero encontró {2}
maxLength = {0}: debe tener como máximo {1} caracteres
maxProperties = {0}: debe tener como máximo {1} propiedades
maximum = {0}: debe tener un valor máximo de {1}
minContains = {0}: debe ser un número entero no negativo en {1}
minContainsVsMaxContains = {0}: minContains debe ser menor o igual que maxContains en {1}
minItems = {0}: debe tener al menos {1} elementos pero se encontró {2}
minLength = {0}: debe tener al menos {1} caracteres
minProperties = {0}: debe tener al menos {1} propiedades
minimum = {0}: debe tener un valor mínimo de {1}
multipleOf = {0}: debe ser múltiplo de {1}
not = {0}: no debe ser válido para el esquema {1}
notAllowed = {0}: la propiedad ''{1}'' no está permitida pero está en los datos
oneOf = {0}: debe ser válido para uno y solo un esquema, pero {1} son válidos
oneOf.indexes = {0}: debe ser válido para uno y solo un esquema, pero {1} son válidos con índices ''{2}''
pattern = {0}: no coincide con el patrón de expresión regular {1}
patternProperties = {0}: tiene algún error con ''propiedades de patrón''
prefixItems = {0}: no se encontró ningún validador en este índice
properties = {0}: tiene un error con ''propiedades''
propertyNames = {0}: el nombre de la propiedad ''{1}'' no es válido: {2}
readOnly = {0}: es un campo de solo lectura, no se puede cambiar
required = {0}: propiedad requerida ''{1}'' no encontrada
type = {0}: {1} encontrado, {2} esperado
unevaluatedItems = {0}: el índice ''{1}'' no se evalúa y el esquema no permite elementos no evaluados
unevaluatedProperties = {0}: la propiedad ''{1}'' no se evalúa y el esquema no permite propiedades no evaluadas
unionType = {0}: {1} encontrado, {2} esperado
uniqueItems = {0}: debe tener solo elementos únicos en la matriz.
writeOnly = {0}: es un campo de solo escritura, no puede aparecer en los datos
contentEncoding = {0}: no coincide con la codificación del contenido {1}
contentMediaType = {0}: no es un tipo de medio de contenido

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