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About Website built using Jekyll and Jasper.

Installing dependencies

First install bundler and jekyll. If you do not have administrator privileges on the machine, use the option --user-install as shown below to install the gems in the user's home directory.

§ gem install --user-install bundler jekyll

The commands in this section assume that you are using bash or zsh. If you are using a different shell, you may have to alter the commands for your shell.

Define GEM_HOME variable in the current session, or optionally copy the setting to your shell's initialization file.

§ export GEM_HOME="$HOME/.gem"

Add the gem binaries to PATH.

# If you are running `ruby` version `2.3.x`,
#  the value `2.3.0` in the command below will work fine.
§ export PATH="$GEM_HOME//ruby/2.3.0/bin"

Install all the gem dependencies as follows.

# Navigate to the Website directory.
# § cd .../path/to/
§ bundle install

On MacOS 12.3 or above, you might have to use the following fix to install rdiscount.

§ bundle config build.rdiscount --with-cflags=-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration
§ bundle install

Building the site

Run the shell script from the Website's root directory.

§ ./

Deploying the site

The contents of _site will automatically be served at after every commit.