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[arXiv:2308.12970] Official implementation of "NeuralClothSim: Neural Deformation Fields Meet the Thin Shell Theory"


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NeuralClothSim: Neural Deformation Fields Meet the Thin Shell Theory

Explore NeuralClothSim in Colab

Navami Kairanda, Marc Habermann, Christian Theobalt, Vladislav Golyanik
Max Planck Institute for Informatics

This repository contains the official implementation of the paper "NeuralClothSim: Neural Deformation Fields Meet the Thin Shell Theory".

What is NeuralClothSim?

Despite existing 3D cloth simulators producing realistic results, they predominantly operate on discrete surface representations (e.g. points and meshes) with a fixed spatial resolution, which often leads to large memory consumption and resolution-dependent simulations. Moreover, back-propagating gradients through the existing solvers is difficult, and they hence cannot be easily integrated into modern neural architectures. In response, this paper re-thinks physically plausible cloth simulation: We propose NeuralClothSim, i.e., a new quasistatic cloth simulator using thin shells, in which surface deformation is encoded in neural network weights in the form of a neural field. Our memory-efficient solver operates on a new continuous coordinate-based surface representation called neural deformation fields (NDFs); it supervises NDF equilibria with the laws of the non-linear Kirchhoff-Love shell theory with a non-linear anisotropic material model. NDFs are adaptive: They 1) allocate their capacity to the deformation details and 2) allow surface state queries at arbitrary spatial resolutions without re-training. We show how to train NeuralClothSim while imposing hard boundary conditions and demonstrate multiple applications, such as material interpolation and simulation editing. The experimental results highlight the effectiveness of our continuous neural formulation.


  • [12.09.2024] We have released the source code for NeuralClothSim.


Clone this repository to ${code_root}. The following sets up a new conda environment with all NeuralClothSim dependencies.

conda create --name neuralclothsim python=3.10
conda activate neuralclothsim

conda install pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d
conda install tensorboard matplotlib imageio natsort configargparse
pip install iopath==0.1.10

Alternatively, you can setup conda using the from the environment.yml file

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate neuralclothsim


High-level Overview

The codebase has the following structure:

  • Simulation configurations are defined in the config/ directory. They include the scene description, such as reference geometry, boundary condition, external forces, optimisation configuration (e.g. learning rate), and testing configurations, such as sampling rate.
  • Material configurations are defined in the material/ directory. Material models (linear, nonlinear, StVK, Clyde model etc..) and their corresponding strain energy computations are defined in
  • The entry point for running the method is, which includes training and testing scripts.
  • generates grid or mesh-based training samples on the cloth.
  • and contain the implementation of the reference midsurface of the thin shell (cloth) and the derived differential quantities.
  • contains the implementation of the neural deformation field, and contains the Dirichlet and periodic boundary constraints.
  • computes the loss, i.e. potential energies of the simulation system, and includes the calculation of stretching and bending strain.

Running Code

Check out for reproducing simulations. It includes both training (solving physics to train NDF) and testing (extracting simulated meshes from the NDF) scripts. For training, simply use

python -c config/{config_file_name}.ini -n {expt_name}

and for evaluation

python -c config/{config_file_name}.ini -n {expt_name} --test_only --i_ckpt {trained_checkpoint}

The exact usage details and all arguments can be found with

python --help 

The logs, including simulated meshes and checkpoints, will be accessible at logging_dir. Further, to debug and monitor progress, the training code writes summaries to the tensorboard, which can be viewed with

tensorboard --logdir {logging_dir}


The napkin experiments, i.e. a square cloth subject to gravity under different boundary conditions such as a fixed corner handle, two corner handles moving inwards or with fixed edges can be reproduced with:

python -c config/napkin_fixed_handle.ini 
python -c config/napkin_moving_handles.ini
python -c config/napkin_fixed_edges.ini


To perform sleeve compression and torsion with a cylindrical shell, run:

python -c config/sleeve_buckle.ini
python -c config/sleeve_twist.ini


Further, the experimental results of a skirt under gravity with a fixed or twisted waist can be generated with:

python -c config/skirt_fixed_waist.ini
python -c config/skirt_twist.ini

Reference mesh

Apart from the analytical surfaces above, one could simulate starting from an artitrary template mesh. In this case, remember to include the source mesh path with reference_geometry_source and boundary condition with reference_boundary_vertices:

python -c config/napkin_mesh_fixed_handle.ini
python -c config/arbitrary_mesh_blender.ini

Varying material

You can specify the material of your choice using -m material/{material_name}.ini for any of the above experiments. Moreover, one could specify --StVK for St. Venant-Kirchoff material. For example,

python -c config/napkin_moving_handles.ini --expt_name napkin_canvas_stvk -m material/canvas.ini --StVK
python -c config/napkin_moving_handles.ini --expt_name napkin_silk -m material/silk.ini


  • I am running out of GPU memory, what do I do? The GPU memory consumption is determined by the number of samples drawn from the reference midsurface. You can reduce the number of samples for training in the config/*.ini file.


This repository uses some of the source code from:

We thank the authors of this project.


If you use this code for your research, please cite:

	title={NeuralClothSim: Neural Deformation Fields Meet the Thin Shell Theory}, 
	author={Navami Kairanda and Marc Habermann and Christian Theobalt and Vladislav Golyanik}, 
	journal = {arXiv:2308.12970v2}, 


This software is provided freely for non-commercial use. We release this code under the MIT license, which you can find in the file LICENSE.


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