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muehlbachler: Shared Services

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This repository contains the Shared Services for muehlbachler using Pulumi.


Creating the Infrastructure

To create the services, a Pulumi Stack with the correct configuration needs to exists.

The stack can be deployed via:

yarn install
yarn build; pulumi up

Destroying the Infrastructure

The entire infrastructure can be destroyed via:

yarn install
yarn build; pulumi destroy

Environment Variables

To successfully run, and configure the Pulumi plugins, you need to set a list of environment variables. Alternatively, refer to the used Pulumi provider's configuration documentation.

  • CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT: the Google Cloud (GCP) project
  • CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION the Google Cloud (GCP) region
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: reference to a file containing the Google Cloud (GCP) service account credentials
  • AWS_REGION: the AWS region
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the AWS access key identifier
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the AWS secret access key


The following section describes the configuration which must be set in the Pulumi Stack.

Attention: do use Secrets Encryption provided by Pulumi for secret values!


The AWS configuration contains all shared services hosten on AWS.

  postgres: the specification of the RDS PostgreSQL instance
    name: the instance name
    backupRetention: the number of days to keep automated backups
    deletionProtection: protect the instance from deletion; if true it will also keep automated backups on delete
    engine: the engine to use (needs to be 'postgres')
    engineVersion: the PostgreSQL engine version to use (see for options)
    dbAdminUser: the database admin user (needs to be 'postgres')
    instanceClass: the instance class identifier (e.g. db.t4g.micro)
    storage: the storage specification (autoexpansion enabled)
      allocated: the default allocated storage in GB (min. 20)
      maximum: the maximum storage the instance can expand to
    vpc: VPC data to host the instance in
      ipv6Only: true if the VPC should be IPv6 only - this provides cost savings due to IPv4 charges; not working for RDS!
      cidr: IPv4 CIDR for the VPC/subnet to create
      ipv6Cidr: IPv6 CIDR for the VPC/subnet to create

Note: to get the latest PostgreSQL engine version for a given PostgreSQL major version you can run aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine postgres --default-only --db-parameter-group-family 'postgres14'.

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