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Library for Atmel AT24Cxxx with EEPROM chips communicating on two-wire (also known as I2C) bus.

  • Chip can have up to 8 addresses from 0x50 to 0x57 according to hardware configuration of its address pins.

Particle hardware configuration

  • Connect microcontroller's pin D0 to EEPROM's pin SDA (Serial Data).
  • Connect microcontroller's pin D1 to EEPROM's pin SCL (Serial Clock).

Arduino UNO hardware configuration

  • Connect microcontroller's pin A4 to EEPROM's pin SDA (Serial Data).
  • Connect microcontroller's pin A5 to EEPROM's pin SCL (Serial Clock).

Espressif - ESP8266, ESP32 default hardware configuration

  • Connect microcontroller's pin D2 to EEPROM's pin SDA (Serial Data).
  • Connect microcontroller's pin D1 to EEPROM's pin SCL (Serial Clock).


Particle platform

  • Particle.h: Includes alternative (C++) data type definitions.

Arduino platform

  • Arduino.h: Main include file for the Arduino SDK version greater or equal to 100.
  • inttypes.h: Integer type conversions. This header file includes the exact-width integer definitions and extends them with additional facilities provided by the implementation.
  • TwoWire: I2C system library loaded from the file Wire.h.

Custom Libraries

  • gbjMemory: Memory custom library loaded from the file gbj_memory.h, which provides common memory processing functionality.
  • gbjTwoWire: I2C custom library loaded from the file gbj_twowire.h, which provides common bus functionality.


The library does not have specific error codes. Error codes as well as result code are inherited from the parent library only. The result code and error codes can be tested in the operational code with its method getLastResult(), isError() or isSuccess().


  • Addresses::ADDRESS_MIN: Minimal address (all address pins LOW).
  • Addresses::ADDRESS_MAX: Maximal address value (all address pins HIGH).
  • Addresses::ADDRESS_0 ~ Addresses::ADDRESS_7: Enumerated address with binary value of address pins configuration in the name.

Supported EEPROM types and capacities

The last number in the enumerated type mark is the capacity of a chip in kibibit (1 Kib = 1024 bits). So that the usual byte capacity is 8 time lower and expressed in kibibytes (1 KiB = 1024 bytes).

  • Capacities::AT24C01: 1 Kib, 1024 bits, 128 bytes.
  • Capacities::AT24C02: 2 Kib, 2048 bits, 256 bytes.
  • Capacities::AT24C04: 4 Kib, 4096 bits, 512 bytes.
  • Capacities::AT24C08: 8 Kib, 8192 bits, 1024 bytes, 1 KiB.
  • Capacities::AT24C16: 16 Kib, 16384 bits, 2048 bytes, 2 KiB.
  • Capacities::AT24C32: 32 Kib, 32768 bits, 4096 bytes, 4 KiB.
  • Capacities::AT24C64: 64 Kib, 65536 bits, 8192 bytes, 8 KiB.
  • Capacities::AT24C128: 128 Kib, 131072 bits, 16384 bytes, 16 KiB.
  • Capacities::AT24C256: 256 Kib, 262144 bits, 32768 bytes, 32 KiB.
  • Capacities::AT24C512: 512 Kib, 524788 bits, 65536 bytes, 64 KiB.

In fact, a class constant's value expresses an exponent of power of 2 determining the chip capacity in kibibits. For instance, the value of gbj_at24c::AT24C64 constant is 6, so that 2^^6 = 64 Kib.

Referencing constants

In a sketch the constants can be referenced in following forms:

  • Static constant in the form gbj_at24c::<enumeration>::<constant> or shortly gbj_at24c::<constant>, e.g., gbj_at24c::Capacities::AT24C512 or gbj_at24c::AT24C512.
  • Instance constant in the form <object>.<constant>, e.g., object.AT24C512.
gbj_at24c eeprom = gbj_at24c();
 begin(eeprom.AT24C512, eeprom.ADDRESS_5);


Other possible setters and getters are inherited from the predecessor libraries and described there.



The library does not need special constructor and destructor, so that the inherited ones are good enough and there is no need to define them in the library, just use it with default or specific parameters as defined at constructor of parent library.

  • Constructor sets parameters specific to the two-wire bus in general.
  • All the constructor parameters can be changed dynamically with corresponding setters later in a sketch.


gbj_at24c(uint32_t clockSpeed, uint8_t pinSDA, uint8_t pinSCL)


  • clockSpeed: Two-wire bus clock frequency in Hertz.

    • Valid values: ClockSpeeds::CLOCK_100KHZ, ClockSpeeds::CLOCK_400KHZ
    • Default value: ClockSpeeds::CLOCK_100KHZ
  • pinSDA: Microcontroller's pin for serial data. It is not a board pin but GPIO number. For hardware two-wire bus platforms it is irrelevant and none of methods utilizes this parameter for such as platforms for communication on the bus. On the other hand, for those platforms the parameters might be utilized for storing some specific attribute in the class instance object.

    • Valid values: positive integer
    • Default value: 4 (GPIO4, D2)
  • pinSCL: Microcontroller's pin for serial clock. It is not a board pin but GPIO number. For hardware two-wire bus platforms it is irrelevant and none of methods utilizes this parameter for such as platforms. On the other hand, for those platforms the parameters might be utilized for storing some specific attribute in the class instance object.

    • Valid values: positive integer
    • Default value: 5 (GPIO5, D1)


Object performing the EEPROM management. The constructor cannot return a result or error code directly, however, it stores them in the instance object. The result can be tested in the operational code with the inhereted method getLastResult(), isError(), or isSuccess().

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The method takes, sanitizes, and stores EEPROM parameters to a class instance object and initiates two-wire bus.

  • The method sets parameters specific to the EEPROM itself.


ResultCodes begin(nt8_t type, uint8_t address)



Some of result or error codes.

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The method detects the type of the EEPROM chip by detecting its capacity.

  • The method tests type from the highest supported capacity.
  • The test is based on writing a specific value to 0 position of the EEPROM and another specific value to the first position beyond the capacity of the previous supported type. If the tested type is not correct, the EEPROM rewrites the value in 0 position with tested value, which is different from the reference value written directly to 0 position. The methods decreases tested types until the 0 position is not rewritten.
  • The method really rewrites just 0 position of EEPROM and the position in the middle of detected type capacity, e.g., for AT24C256 chip it is position 16384.


ResultCodes detectType(Capacities &type)



Some of result or error codes.

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The method provides current type of the EEPROM chip set by the begin() method.


Capacities getType()




EEPROM type defined by one from class constants Capacities::AT24C01 ~ Capacities:AT24C512.

See also



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Library for Atmel AT24Cxx EEPROM chips.







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