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gfast-copy and fast-copy


author:Brüggemann Eddie <>



gfast-copy provide an easy to use graphical interface to the underlying

copy algorithm describe below.

By copying the program display a progress-bar and

some part of the interface are frozen.

Gtk+-3.0 is used as H.M.I (Human Machine Interface) in a fancy way:

You can switch between the light and dark (if installed at your site)


You can choose the delete the source file and the destination

file-selector will ask you if you choose and existing file

for overwriting.


fast-copy is a command line tool for copying a single big file

at the same time,

as fast as it can (Faster than the O.S, especially on MacOSX).

You must at minimal provide an input file and an output file.

fast-copy use per default FILE streams for copying the file.

But you can use the system calls open(), read(), write(), close(), fsync()

instead by giving the -s option on the command line.

fast-copy will output the source file-path and the destination file-path.

fast-copy will output the file size in the right unit.

And if the source file is greater than 16 Mio (for a buffer size of 8192)

it will display a progress-bar during the copy operation.

The copy algorithm

At first it will check for the best buffer size.

  • Using FILE streams: it will look up the BUFSIZ constant if it’s great enough
    else the program set it to 8192 octets.
  • Using syscalls it will look up the the st_blocksize from the stat() function and set it as buffer size.

Then it will define a buffer with the optimal size.

It will copy the source file to the destination in a loop using the defined buffer.

Finally it will synchronize the file-system using fflush() or fsync().

fast-copy help

fast-copy - a fast chunk file copy program.

Usage : fast-copy -r input-file -w output-file [-o] [-s] [-e] [-h]

-r Read from file (required).
-w Write to file  (required).
-o Overwrite destination file (optional).
-e Erase source file (optional).
-s Use syscalls instead of streams (optional only UNIX).
-h Print this help message.

Wrapper script

You can build a wrapper script around the fast-copy command-line tool,

per example using zenity, xclip or like, to get the first argument.

And for the second you need a tool which provides a file-chooser.

As like this one, using zenity and nautilus-action:

#! /bin/bash

# Wrapper for fast-copy using zenity and nautilus-actions for #
# speed up the file copying.                                  #

function usage() {

  echo "usage $(basename $0) -r input-file -w output-file [-o] [-s] [-e] [-h]" ;

  exit 1 ;

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]] ; then

  # The first argument is given from nautilus-actions.

  usage ;


destination=`zenity --file-selection --save --confirm-overwrite --filename="$(basename "${1}")"`

# Here the source file comes from nautilus action i.e
# the contextual gnome-desktop add-on nautilus-actions

if [[ -n "${destination}" ]] ; then

  fast-copy -r "${source_filepath}" -w "${destination}" -o

  zenity --info --text="Copy completed" --no-wrap --no-markup


exit 0


gfast-copy and fast-copy works on

  • GNU/Linux as *.deb, *.rpm and tarball packages.

  • MacOSX, using the tarball which makes an entry into the /Applications folder.

  • Windows

    into the MSYS2 or Cygwin environment using the tarball.

    and is provides as auto-extractable *.exe file.

You can find all this files at: <>


Thanks to my beloved mother, my family and to the doctors.

Stay away from drugs: drugs destroy your brain and your life.


Special thanks to the gnome-bugzilla team,

without their help them I would not be able to distribute an

auto-extractable *.exe file for Windows.


(g)fast-copy - a fast single chunk file copy program.

Copyright (C) 2017 Brüggemann Eddie.

This file is part of (g)fast-copy.
(g)fast-copy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

(g)fast-copy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with (g)fast-copy. If not, see <>