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Mostafa Shahiri edited this page Aug 10, 2019 · 7 revisions

How to run Instagram Fetcher? After installation of Instagram fetcher, go to modules manager and click on "Instagram fetcher". You will see some options in the basic tab:

Instagram fetcher options
Instagram fetcher options

1) Access Token: enter access token of your Instagram page in this field. It is a necessary parameter to work this module.

2) Count: number of Instagram posts that you want to show on your website.

3) Show likes: Do you want to show the number of Instagram posts likes?(yes or no)

4) Show comments: Do you want to show the number of Instagram posts comments?(yes or no)

5) Show created date: Do you want to show created dates of Instagram posts?(yes or no)

6) Show captions: Do you want to show the captions of Instagram posts?(yes or no)

7) Custom caption: Sometimes you don't like to show same captions that you wrote for your posts on Instagram. With this field, you can write your custom captions for Instagram posts. You can separate each caption with @#. If you want to use the original captions of your Instagram posts, leave this field blank.

8) Limit caption words: The captions of Instagram posts are usually very long. If you like to truncate the captions, enter number of characters that you like to show.

9)Images style: Main feature of this module is showing the images of Instagram posts. Let's apply some simple effects to images.
The number of likes, comments and created dates are shown when you hover on images.
Now we explain about CSS classes are used in Instagram fetcher module:

.insta-item: Use it to style images. (Instagram images are background images of the divs with insta-item class.)
.insta-like: The class for styling the like divs.
.insta-comment: The class for styling the like divs.
.insta-createdate: The class for styling the created date divs.
.insta-caption: The class for styling the caption divs. .insta-padding: The class for parent div that the image, like, comment, created date divs are placed in it. We used it for styling the images on images hover event.


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