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Merge pull request #757 from moosetechnology/smalltalk-importer-cleaning
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Use a trait for the smalltalk importers utilities
  • Loading branch information
jecisc committed Apr 16, 2024
2 parents cb0951e + 81b3243 commit c1cdf43
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Showing 5 changed files with 104 additions and 148 deletions.
50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions src/Moose-SmalltalkImporter/

This file was deleted.

13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions src/Moose-SmalltalkImporter/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ is trigged by the MooseCompositeImporterTask and implemented by InstallElementsO
Class {
#name : #FamixStImportClassesTask,
#superclass : #FamixStAbstractImporter,
#superclass : #MooseTask,
#traits : 'FamixStTImportUtils',
#classTraits : 'FamixStTImportUtils classTrait',
#instVars : [
#category : #'Moose-SmalltalkImporter-Importers'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ FamixStImportClassesTask >> addClassExtension: aClassExtension [
FamixStImportClassesTask >> basicRun [

| importer |
importer := FamixStImporter new importingContext: importingContext.
importer := FamixStImporter new importingContext: self importingContext.
importer factory: self factory.
self classes do: [ :class |
importer importClass: class.
Expand All @@ -62,12 +63,6 @@ FamixStImportClassesTask >> classExtensions [

{ #category : #accessing }
FamixStImportClassesTask >> classes [


{ #category : #accessing }
FamixStImportClassesTask >> description [

Expand Down
118 changes: 41 additions & 77 deletions src/Moose-SmalltalkImporter/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ I'm mainly invoked by the MooseImportClassesTask
Class {
#name : #FamixStImporter,
#superclass : #FamixStAbstractImporter,
#superclass : #Object,
#traits : 'FamixStTImportUtils',
#classTraits : 'FamixStTImportUtils classTrait',
#instVars : [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,8 +66,7 @@ FamixStImporter >> basicClassCreation: aClass [
class := classes at: aClass put: self factory classEntity new.
class name: (aClass name replaceAll: Character space with: $_).
class stub: true.
importingContext shouldImportNamespace ifTrue: [
class typeContainer: (self ensureNamespace: aClass environment) ].
self importingContext shouldImportNamespace ifTrue: [ class typeContainer: (self ensureNamespace: aClass environment) ].
anchor := self factory anchor new
element: class;
pharoEntity: aClass;
Expand All @@ -93,12 +93,6 @@ FamixStImporter >> checkAbstractClass: class [
class isAbstract: (class methods contains: [ :each | each isAbstract ])

{ #category : #'private accessing' }
FamixStImporter >> classes [

^ classes

{ #category : #'private-entity-creation' }
FamixStImporter >> createAnnotationType: aPragmaNode [
| pragmaAnnotationType |
Expand All @@ -119,77 +113,58 @@ FamixStImporter >> createAnnotationType: aPragmaNode [

{ #category : #'private-entity-creation' }
FamixStImporter >> createAttribute: name for: aClass [

| attribute realName possibleTypes |
realName := self nameForInstanceVariable: name class: aClass.
attribute := (self scopeOfClass: aClass)
at: realName
bind: self factory attribute new.
attribute := (self scopeOfClass: aClass) at: realName bind: self factory attribute new.
attribute stub: true.
attribute name: realName asSymbol.
importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass
self importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass
ifTrue: [ attribute parentType: (self ensureClass: aClass instanceSide) ]
ifFalse: [ attribute parentType: (self ensureClass: aClass) ].
attribute isClassSide: aClass isMeta.
"now we use RoelTyper to see a unique type can be retrieve for this attribute: "
importingContext shouldComputeTypeOfAttributes
ifTrue: [ possibleTypes := (TypeCollector
typeInstvar: name asSymbol
ofClassWithLookup: aClass) types.
possibleTypes size = 1
ifTrue: [ attribute
declaredType: (self ensureClass: possibleTypes first instanceSide) ] ].
self importingContext shouldComputeTypeOfAttributes ifTrue: [
possibleTypes := (TypeCollector typeInstvar: name asSymbol ofClassWithLookup: aClass) types.
possibleTypes size = 1 ifTrue: [ attribute declaredType: (self ensureClass: possibleTypes first instanceSide) ] ].
^ attribute

{ #category : #'private-entity-creation' }
FamixStImporter >> createClass: aClass [

| class inheritance |
class := (importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass and: [
aClass isMeta ])
ifTrue: [
at: aClass
put: (self ensureClass: aClass soleInstance) ]
class := (self importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass and: [ aClass isMeta ])
ifTrue: [ classes at: aClass put: (self ensureClass: aClass soleInstance) ]
ifFalse: [ self basicClassCreation: aClass ].

importingContext shouldImportPackage ifTrue: [
class parentPackage: (self ensurePackage: aClass package) ].
self importingContext shouldImportPackage ifTrue: [ class parentPackage: (self ensurePackage: aClass package) ].

importingContext shouldImportInheritance ifTrue: [
(aClass superclass isNotNil and: [
importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass
self importingContext shouldImportInheritance ifTrue: [
(aClass superclass isNotNil and: [
self importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass
ifFalse: [ true ]
ifTrue: [ aClass isMeta not ] ]) ifTrue: [
ifTrue: [ aClass isMeta not ] ]) ifTrue: [
inheritance := self addEntity: self factory inheritance new.
inheritance superclass: (self ensureClass: aClass superclass).
inheritance subclass: class ] ].

aClass isMeta ifFalse: [ self ensureClass: aClass class ].

importingContext shouldImportAttribute ifTrue: [
aClass instVarNames do: [ :eachName |
self ensureAttribute: eachName for: aClass ].
self importingContext shouldImportAttribute ifTrue: [
aClass instVarNames do: [ :eachName | self ensureAttribute: eachName for: aClass ].
"since the classVar of a class are not the same as the classVar of the class class"
"with latest pharo class classVar = class class classVar so we should not need that anymore"
aClass isMeta
ifTrue: [
aClass soleInstance classVarNames do: [ :eachClassVarName |
ensureClassVarAttribute: eachClassVarName
for: aClass soleInstance ] ]
ifFalse: [
aClass classVarNames do: [ :eachClassVarName |
self ensureClassVarAttribute: eachClassVarName for: aClass ] ] ].

(importingContext shouldImportComment and: [ aClass hasComment ])
ifTrue: [
(importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass and: [
aClass isMeta ]) ifFalse: [
| comment |
comment := self addEntity: self factory comment new.
comment content: aClass comment asString.
comment commentedEntity: class ] ].
ifTrue: [ aClass soleInstance classVarNames do: [ :eachClassVarName | self ensureClassVarAttribute: eachClassVarName for: aClass soleInstance ] ]
ifFalse: [ aClass classVarNames do: [ :eachClassVarName | self ensureClassVarAttribute: eachClassVarName for: aClass ] ] ].

(self importingContext shouldImportComment and: [ aClass hasComment ]) ifTrue: [
(self importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass and: [ aClass isMeta ]) ifFalse: [
| comment |
comment := self addEntity: self factory comment new.
comment content: aClass comment asString.
comment commentedEntity: class ] ].

^ class
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,7 +202,7 @@ FamixStImporter >> createMethod: aCompiledMethod [

| method anchor |
method := self createStubMethod: aCompiledMethod.
importingContext shouldImportMethodBody ifTrue: [
self importingContext shouldImportMethodBody ifTrue: [
| visitor |
visitor := SmalltalkMethodVisitor on: self.
visitor runWith: aCompiledMethod and: method ].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,14 +418,10 @@ FamixStImporter >> ensureSmalltalkStubMethod: aCompiledMethod [
FamixStImporter >> ensureSmalltalkStubMethodsFor: aSignature [

| implementors |
importingContext shouldImportSmalltalkStubMethod ifFalse: [ ^ #( ) ].
self importingContext shouldImportSmalltalkStubMethod ifFalse: [ ^ #( ) ].
implementors := self allImplementorsOf: aSignature.
implementors ifEmpty: [
^ { (self
basicCreateMethod: (aSignature copyUpTo: $()
withSignature: aSignature) } ].
^ implementors collect: [ :meth |
self ensureSmalltalkStubMethod: meth ]
implementors ifEmpty: [ ^ { (self basicCreateMethod: (aSignature copyUpTo: $() withSignature: aSignature) } ].
^ implementors collect: [ :meth | self ensureSmalltalkStubMethod: meth ]

{ #category : #'public-entity-creation' }
Expand All @@ -472,21 +443,18 @@ FamixStImporter >> famixClasses [
FamixStImporter >> importClass: aClass [

| class |
importingContext shouldImportClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
self importingContext shouldImportClass ifFalse: [ ^ self ].

class := self ensureClass: aClass.
class stub: false.
class attributes do: [ :each | each stub: false ].

importingContext shouldImportPackage ifTrue: [
class parentPackage stub: false ].
self importingContext shouldImportPackage ifTrue: [ class parentPackage stub: false ].

importingContext shouldImportSubclasses ifTrue: [
aClass subclasses do: [ :each | self ensureClass: each ] ].
self importingContext shouldImportSubclasses ifTrue: [ aClass subclasses do: [ :each | self ensureClass: each ] ].

importingContext shouldImportMethod ifTrue: [
aClass methods do: [ :each |
(self ensureMethod: each) isStub: false ].
self importingContext shouldImportMethod ifTrue: [
aClass methods do: [ :each | (self ensureMethod: each) isStub: false ].
self checkAbstractClass: class ].

aClass isMeta ifFalse: [ self importClass: aClass class ]
Expand All @@ -496,12 +464,11 @@ FamixStImporter >> importClass: aClass [
FamixStImporter >> importClassExtension: aClassExtension [

| method |
importingContext shouldImportClassExtension ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
self importingContext shouldImportClassExtension ifFalse: [ ^ self ].

method := (self ensureMethod: aClassExtension) isStub: false.

importingContext shouldImportPackage ifTrue: [
method parentPackage isStub: false ]
self importingContext shouldImportPackage ifTrue: [ method parentPackage isStub: false ]

{ #category : #initialization }
Expand All @@ -526,12 +493,9 @@ FamixStImporter >> methods [

{ #category : #'private utils' }
FamixStImporter >> nameForInstanceVariable: name class: aClass [

(importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass)
and: [aClass isMeta ifTrue: [ ^ self CIVString, name]].

self importingContext shouldMergeClassAndMetaclass and: [ aClass isMeta ifTrue: [ ^ self CIVString , name ] ].
^ name


{ #category : #'private-entity-creation' }
Expand Down
22 changes: 10 additions & 12 deletions src/Moose-SmalltalkImporter/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ This class specifies that the Smalltalk classes are identified using packages
Class {
#name : #FamixStPharoImporterTask,
#superclass : #FamixStAbstractImporter,
#superclass : #MooseTask,
#traits : 'FamixStTImportUtils',
#classTraits : 'FamixStTImportUtils classTrait',
#instVars : [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ FamixStPharoImporterTask >> basicRun [
"importerTask applies an import filter definition (context) on a set of classes (allClasses) and yields elements"
importerTask := FamixStImportClassesTask new.
importerTask factory: self factory.
importerTask importingContext: importingContext.
importerTask importingContext: self importingContext.
importerTask addAll: self classes.
importerTask addAllExtensions: self classExtensions.
importer := importerTask runSelector: runSelector.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,18 +97,14 @@ FamixStPharoImporterTask >> classExtensions [

{ #category : #accessing }
FamixStPharoImporterTask >> classes [

{ #category : #initialization }
FamixStPharoImporterTask >> defaultImportingContext [
"does not import stub methods by default because it can create a lot of methods"

| context |
context := super defaultImportingContext.
context entityKindsToBeExtracted remove: (context class importingSmalltalkStubMethod).
context := MooseImportingContext new importMaximum.
context entityKindsToBeExtracted remove: context class importingSmalltalkStubMethod.
^ context

{ #category : #accessing }
Expand All @@ -124,7 +121,8 @@ FamixStPharoImporterTask >> doNotRunCandidateOperator [

{ #category : #accessing }
FamixStPharoImporterTask >> factory [
^ super factory ifNil: [ factory := self model factory ]

^ factory ifNil: [ factory := self model factory ]

{ #category : #initialization }
Expand Down

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