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Developer calls

Leif Denby edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 5 revisions


Next meeting will be 1400 CEST on


  1. Progress towards next tagged version (v0.2.0): How close are we? When do we expect to have this complete?
  2. Discussion for following release (v0.3.0): Are all changes we want included, or are some missing? How are discussions progressing?
  3. Longer term: Are you working on anything not currently on the roadmap? Is there something in neural-lam that you are missing? Are you working on something, but not sure how to fit it into neural-lam?
    • (we didn't have time to discuss this item)
  4. Is there a need for some more defined roles around the Neural-LAM codebase (e.g. "maintainers", "core developers"). And if so, who should have these roles?
    • no strict roles for now, we want to motivate people to review things they have interest and understanding in. Please tag people you think have an interest. @leifdenby is happy to do reviews in general, and ... (feel free to add yourself here)
  5. What do we require for merging PRs? An ok from one or multiple such "maintainers"?
    • we agreed that nothing will be merged without being on the roadmap
    • to get things on the roadmap we will use the develop calls to discuss and adapt the roadmap, please come to the developer calls to explain your idea so we can build the thing you need together 😄
  6. AOB
    • next meeting 1400 CEST 5 august 2024
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