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The DBManager file

Mauro Rogledi edited this page Mar 7, 2018 · 5 revisions

The DBManager is the class used by ERPFramework to find, read and write data to the database. Each dataentry has its own DBManager.

internal class DBManagerCustomer : DBManager
    public DBManagerCustomer(string name, IDocument document)
        : base(name, document)
    { }

    protected override string CreateMasterQuery(ref List<SqlABParameter> dParam)
        var qB = new QueryBuilder();

        return qB.SelectAllFrom<CustomerTable>().

    protected override List<SqlABParameter> CreateMasterParam()
        var PList = new List<SqlABParameter>();

        var sParam1 = new SqlABParameter("@p1", CustomerTable.ID) { Value = CustomerTable.ID.DefaultValue };
        return PList;

    protected override void SetParameters(ERPFramework.Controls.IRadarParameters key, DBCollection collection)
        collection.Parameter[0].Value = key[0];

Let's analyze the main methods of this class

  • CreateMasterQuery
    Using the QueryBuilder class we create a query that selects a single record in a unique way (in this case through its primary key).
    The result of this method will be

    select * from APP_Customer 
    where [ID] = @p1
  • CreateMasterParam
    With this method we declare a list of all parameters used in our query
    In this case a int parameter for ID

  • SetParameters
    In this method we will go to assign a value to the various parameters
    In the next version the value assignment will be by name