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Mask Detection using YOLO v4.

Steps to execute:

  • Create Dataset

    • Collect all images. Classes should be balanced.
    • Augement dataset using tools like RoboFlow, etc.
    • Anotate images to convert into txt file(Yolo input data format) using tools like LabelImg,Bbox etc.
    • Create train.txt which contains path of all input data will be used in training.
    • Create test.txt which contains path of all input images will be used in validation.
  • Download Darknet

  • Compile

    • Use ./make command from command line to compile all C++ files.
  • Download Predefined weights

  • Prepare Input data format structure

    • Copy Input data from step 1 to data folder under darknet folder
    • Create .names files which contains classes which need to detect.
    • Create .data files contains
      • classes= no of classes
      • train = data/train.txt
      • valid = data/test.txt
      • names = data/mask.names
      • backup = backup/ [where all weight files be stored]
  • Train model

    • !./darknet detector train .datafile_path configfile_path weightfile_path -dont_show -i 0 -map
  • Test Model

    • Test against images
      !./darknet detector test data/ cfg/yolov4-custom.cfg backup/yolov4-custom_last.weights TESTDATA/JEN.jpeg -thresh 0.3 imShow('predictions.jpg')
    • Test against video
      !./darknet detector demo data/ cfg/yolov4-custom.cfg backup/yolov4-custom_best.weights -dont_show TESTDATA/MASK_TEST.mp4 -i 0 -out_filename TESTDATA/prediction.avi
  • Model Evaluation:

Parameter Count
MASK ap = 92.73%
NOT MASK ap = 82.81%
precision 0.87
recall 0.89
F1-score 0.89
mean average precision (mAP@0.50) 0.877713, or 87.77 %
Total Detection Time 5 Seconds

Weight Files:

Trained Weights
