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  • API Documentation

  • This API provides endpoints for user authentication, user management, customer management, category management,

  • product management, invoice management, and generating sales reports.

  • ** Key Features **

    • Backend Calculations For Sales + Invoice
    • valid - invalid JWT tokens is plus point instead of just removing the token from cookie
    • Secure Password reset process
    • More over its Multi Vendor POS System
  • ** Change Log **

    • Added Client Side Authentication (24/08/2024)
  • ** Requirements **

    • PHP 8.2 >= as its Laravel 11
  • ** Installation **

    • Clone the repository
    • Run composer install
    • Run npm install
    • Run cp .env.example .env
    • Run php artisan key:generate
    • Set your database credentials in the .env file
    • Set your mail credentials in the .env file
    • Run php artisan migrate
    • Run php artisan serve to start the test server
  • Endpoints:

  • note : most of the request requires the id & email from the token set on the cookie

  • Note: except for register, login, send-otp, verify-otp, all other endpoints require a valid JWT token in the cookie, named token.

    • /auth/register (POST): Register a new user.
          "firstName": "required|string|max:50",
          "lastName": "required|string|max:50",
          "email": "required|email|unique:users,email",
          "mobile": "required|string|max:16",
          "password": "required|string"
    • /auth/login (POST): User login.
          "email": "required|email",
          "password": "required|string"
    • /auth/send-otp (POST): Send OTP (One-Time Password) for user verification.
          "email": "required|email"
    • /auth/verify-otp (POST): Verify OTP for user verification.
          "email": "required|email",
          "otp": "required|string|max:4"
      ** sets a token in the cookie with user email encrypted
    • /user/reset-password (PATCH): Reset user password.
          "password": "required|string"
      ** requires the email from the token set on the cookie
    • /auth/logout (POST): User logout.
    • /user/profile (GET): Get user profile information.
    • /user/profile (PUT): Update user profile information.
          "firstName": "required|string|max:50",
          "lastName": "required|string|max:50",
          "email": "required|email|unique:users,email",
          "mobile": "required|string|max:16"
    • /customers (GET, POST): Get a list of customers or create a new customer.
          "name": "required|string|max:50",
          "email": "required|email|unique:customers,email",
          "mobile": "required|string"
    • /customers/{id} (GET, PUT, DELETE): Get, update, or delete a specific customer.
    • /categories (GET, POST): Get a list of categories or create a new category.
    • /categories/{id} (GET, PUT, DELETE): Get, update, or delete a specific category.
    • /products (GET, POST): Get a list of products or create a new product.
          "name": "required|string|max:50",
          "category_id": "required|integer|exists:categories,id",
          "price": "required|numeric",
          "unit": "required|integer",
          "image": "required|image" // you can skip this for update
    • /products/{id} (GET, PUT, DELETE): Get, update, or delete a specific product.
    • /invoices (GET, POST): Get a list of invoices or create a new invoice.
          "vat": "required|numeric",
          "discount": "required|numeric",
          "customer_id": "required|integer|exists:customers,id",
          "products": "required|array",
          "products.*.product_id": "required|integer|exists:products,id",
          "products.*.quantity": "required|integer"
    • /invoices/{id} (GET, DELETE): Get, update, or delete a specific invoice.
    • /sales-report/{fromDate}/{toDate} (GET): Generate a sales report between the specified dates.
    • /summary (GET): Get a summary of sales data.
  • Response Types:

    • Success Response:
  • {
        "success": true,
        "message": "The success message",
        "data": {}
    • Error Response (Note that the errors field is optional, as well as some time the error code will be 200 instead of 400 or 500):
  • {
        "success": false,
        "message": "The error message",
        "errors": []
  • ** will add frontend documentation soon **


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