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Masahiro Saito edited this page Mar 25, 2017 · 38 revisions
Command Description
home Teleport to your home
home set Set your location to your home
home list Display the list of your homes
home delete Delete your home
home help Display the list of commands or the command usage
home private Set your home private or public
home invite Invite the other player to your home

Command Usages

home command

Command Description
/home Teleport to your set default home
/home <home_name> Teleport to your set named home
/home -p <player_name> Teleport to player's set default home
/home <home_name> -p <player_name> Teleport to player's set named home


  • /home : Teleport to your default home
  • /home myhome : Teleport to your home named myhome
  • /home -p Nepian : Teleport to Nepian's default home
  • /home myhome -p Nepian : Teleport to Nepian's home named myhome

set command

Command Description
/home set Set your location to your default home
/home set <home_name> Set your location to your named home


  • /home set : Set your location to your default home
  • /home set myhome : Set your location to your home named myhome

list command

Command Description
/home list Display the list of your homes
/home list <player_name> Display the list of player's homes


  • /home list : Display the list of your homes
  • /home list Nepian : Display the list of Nepian's homes

delete command

Command Description
/home delete Delete your default home
/home delete <home_name> Delete your named home


  • /home delete : Delete your default home
  • /home delete myhome : Delete your home named myhome

help command

Command Description
/home help Display the list of Homes commands
/home help <command_name> Display the usage of Homes command


  • /home help : Display the list of Homes commands
  • /home help invite : Display the usage of invite command
  • /home help private : Display the usage of private command

Private command

When you set your home with set command, your home is public. So other players can teleport to your home. However, by using this command, you can make your home private. Then, other players can not check your home with list command and can not teleport.

Command Description
/home private (on/off) Set your default home private or public
/home private (on/off) <home_name> Set your named home private or public


  • /home private on : Set your default home private
  • /home private off : Set your default home public
  • /home private on myhome : Set your home named myhome private
  • /home private off myhome : Set your home named myhome public


  • Other players can not teleport home set to private
  • Other players can not list homes set to private
  • You can invite other players to the private home by invite command
  • You can not set your home private if it is not exist


Command Permissions
/home private (on/off) homes.command
/home private (on/off) <home_name> homes.command


Command Configs
/home private (on/off) Allow setting home private
/home private (on/off) <home_name> Allow setting home private
Allow using named home

Invite command

You can invite other players to your home. The invited player can use the command to accept the invitation. Also, the invitation will be automatically rejected after 30 seconds.


Command Description
/home invite Accept the invitation
/home invite <player_name> Invite to your default home
/home invite <player_name> <home_name> Invite to your named home


  • /home invite : Accept the invitation you received
  • /home invite Nepian : Invite Nepian to your default home
  • /home invite Nepian myhome : Invite Nepian to your home named myhome


  • You can invite other players to your home
  • You can accept the invitation
  • The invitation will be automatically rejected after 30 seconds
  • You receive the message when other player accept your invitation
  • You receive the message when you receive the invitation from other players


Command Permissions
/home invite homes.command
/home invite <player_name> homes.command
/home invite <player_name> <home_name> homes.command


Command Configs
/home invite Allow invitation
/home invite <player_name> Allow invitation
Allow using player home
/home invite <player_name> <home_name> Allow invitation
Allow using player home
Allow using named home