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#Intelligent Question Answering Engine

  • Trained a logistic regression classifier, which functioned as an answer sentence retrieval system, over the WikiQA dataset containing around 30,000 sentences.
  • Maximized the performance of the model to obtain MAP and MRR scores of 0.68 and 0.69 respectively by employing advanced linguistic features using LDA topic modeling.
  • Built a user based question prediction model which used a graph based user pattern analysis scheme.
  • Extracted question type related features using a multi-class classifier to train the model.
  • Implemented a classic IR method involving tf-idf weight vectors for retrieving relevant documents for each user question.
  • Performed search space reduction by exploiting K-Means and hierarchical clustering algorithms to group similar documents.
  • Tech Stack - Python, NLP, Machine Learning, AI


  • Data - Contains the initial WikiQA dataset used in the research and also the dataset at each checkpoint in the processing step.

  • Models - Contains the various models that were built for the project. Includes the following: ..* IR - Contains the clustering models, cluster centers, tf-idf vocabulary and tf-idf vectorizer used. ..* LDA - Contains the topic vectorizer, count vectorizer to get feature vectors and average positive and negative topic vectors. ..* QA Classifier - Contains the two logistic regression binary classifiers that are to be used for answer classification. ..* Question Classifier - Contains the models built for question type classification.

  • Code - Contains the ipython notebooks that were used during the processing step and for building the models. ..* Question Classification - Contains the glove.6B.50d word vectors and the necessary code for question classification. ..* One, Two - Contain the ipython notebooks and rest of the code. ..* Application - Contains the code for setting up the application environment and running the QA system.

  • Report - Contains the final report, presentation and the the latex project of the thesis along with the plagiarism report.

###Running the code

  • Download and install all the necessary libraries.
  • Open terminal
  • Change directory to


  • Run the file using the command


  • On your browser, go to


  • The application frontend is displayed with a textbox to enter the question and a submit button to get the answer

Note : Update file paths.


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