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Larry Lart edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 1 revision

UniMap is a free/opensource astronomy software which I mainly developed to do the plate-solving (automated detection and sky catalog matching) for astrophotography - see how detection works. Additionally, I implemented a wide range of features like plotting the asteroids path, artificial Earth satellites passing through, integrated telescope and digital/video camera control, online database/interface to work as a collaboration tool for plate solutions - check the project features so far. The application is written in C++/wxWidgets (cross platform GUI library), OpenGL, OpenCV, Boost and other portable libraries so that it can be compiled/released on other platforms such as Linux/MacOSX/etc. Current pre-alpha release is only for windows, to follow with a Linux and MacOSx release as soon as I pass the beta test.

The project is to be released as a pre-alpha (concept proof) state and in order to test the the main functionality. Anyone interested in helping me to test and optimize it please contact me.

Also, I am working to add translation in twenty different languages to start with, so if you are willing to help on this please let me know.

I am looking for sponsorship to support this free software. That will go to host this project on it's own site (capable to handle a large world wide collaboration database) and also to develop a wide spectrum of additional features. For further details on how you can help please contact me.

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