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Whisperwave is a feature-rich chatting application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) and WebSockets through for real-time communication. This application allows users to connect with friends, family, and colleagues, providing a seamless chatting experience with various advanced features.

Live Demo 🚀

Check out the live demo of Whisperwave here.


  • Real-time Communication: Instant messaging with real-time updates using WebSockets.
  • Group Chats: Create and join group chats for collaborative discussions.
  • File Sharing: Share files, images, and documents within chats.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration with JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
  • Profile Management: Customize user profiles with avatars and status messages.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Real-time Communication:
  • Authentication: JWT, bcrypt
  • Styling: CSS


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd Whisperwave
  2. Install dependencies

    cd client
    npm install
    cd ../server
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables set up environment variables using ".env copy" file by renaming it to ".env" and passing correct values

  4. Start the application

    1. Terminal for Backend
      cd server
      nodemon index.js
    2. Terminal for frontend
      cd client
      npm run dev
  5. Access Application at this url Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173.


  1. Register: Create a new account by providing a username, email, and password.
  2. Login: Access your account with your credentials.
  3. Start Chatting: Begin a new conversation by searching for users or creating a group chat.
  4. Send Messages: Enjoy real-time messaging with instant notifications and file sharing capabilities.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. Make sure to follow the coding guidelines and include relevant tests.


For any questions or inquiries, please contact


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