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This is a basic Asteroids-like game written in Rust, using Bevy engine and Rapier2d. The purpose of this project was to learn Rust in a playful way. This the first time I'm looking at Rust (and Bevy), so there will be a million things that could have been done in a better and more idiomatic way.


Demo GIF


  • Infinite wave system with increasing difficulty
  • Power-ups that upgrade weapons and shield
  • Single-button menu to exit the game :-)
  • Some basic SFX
  • Collision system powered by bevy_rapier2d
  • Particles powered by bevy_enoki
  • Parallax background effect


The in-game (non-UI) font is Bulky Pixels by John Bloor's Smoking Drum (domain no longer active but required by license).

Audio files from Pixabay under a CC0 license, Dustyroom's Casual Game Sound - One Shot SFX Pack under a CC0 license, or created by myself.

How to develop

Using Nix Flakes, JetBrains RustRover & Direnv

You can run this project in any way you like, but I have set things up to make it easy to develop using JetBrains RustRover. For this, you'll need:

This way, you'll just need to direnv allow in the project directory after which all prerequisites (incl. Rust, Cargo, all Bevy dependencies, etc.) will be available to you. The JetBrains plugin will ensure that the environment is available to your IDE and you can run the project from there (vs cargo build and cargo run in the terminal).

Using Nix Flakes

Without direnv, you can use the Nix Flake by running nix develop in the project directory. If you want to use an IDE such as JetBrains RustRover, you'll have to set up the environment manually. You'll most likely have to make LD_LIBRARY_PATH available to your IDE.


  • Create a run configuration with environment variable RUST_LOG=rusteroids=debug for debug logs e.g. damage, collisions, explosions
  • Create a run configuration with --features dev to enable RapierDebugRenderPlugin and WorldInspectorPlugin

How to build WASM for the web


  1. Run:
    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
    1. Linux:
      export RUSTFLAGS="--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis"
    2. Windows:
  3. Make sure you have Node.js with serve installed


Then you can build the WASM file:

  1. Build the WASM file:
    cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
  2. Clean the www/public directory and copy the game's assets over:
    ./scripts/clean-rusteroids-files.ps1 # Windows only, bash script may be coming later
    ./scripts/copy-assets.ps1   # Windows only, bash script may be coming later
  3. Run wasm-bindgen to generate the JS bindings and move all relevant files to the www/public directory:
    1. Linux:
      wasm-bindgen --out-dir ./www/public --target web ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/rusteroids.wasm
    2. Windows:
      wasm-bindgen.exe --out-dir ./www/public --target web ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/rusteroids.wasm


You can optimise the WASM file (from the Unofficial Bevy Cheat Book):

# Optimize for size (z profile).
wasm-opt -Oz -o output.wasm input.wasm

# Optimize for size (s profile).
wasm-opt -Os -o output.wasm input.wasm

# Optimize for speed.
wasm-opt -O3 -o output.wasm input.wasm

# Optimize for both size and speed.
wasm-opt -O -ol 100 -s 100 -o output.wasm input.wasm


Finally, to run the game in your browser locally, run the below and paste the URL copied to your clipboard into your browser:

npx serve ./www/public