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Ashish Kumar Singh edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 3 revisions

Team Model

team which have registered for the tournament. team have following attributes -

  • String teamName
  • String teamUid
  • List playerUid
  • int credits
  • String ownerName
  • int numPlayer
  • int matchesWon
  • int matchesLost
  • int matchesDraw
  • int roundDifference
  • int points
  • List completeMatches
  • List upcomingMatches
  • String teamAbbreviation

Player Model

player who has registered for the tournament. player have following attributes -

  • String uid
  • String name
  • String studentID
  • String inGameName
  • bool isAdmin
  • Weapons primaryWeapon
  • Weapons secondaryWeapon
  • PlayerCategory playerCategory
  • PlayerStatus playerStatus
  • int hoursPlayed
  • String steamUrl
  • String soldTo
  • int soldIn

Match Model

match have following attributes -

  • String matchId
  • DateTime matchTime
  • String teamId1
  • String teamId2
  • bool isCompleted
  • Map<String, int> points
  • String mvpId
  • Map<String, int> roundsWon
  • int roundDiff

Announcement Model

announcement have following attributes -

  • String id
  • String title
  • String subtitle
  • String desc
  • DateTime createddateTime
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